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Назив: Broken blade in the knee: A complication of arthroscopic meniscectomy
Аутори: Miroslav Milankov 
Dragan Savić 
Nataša Miljković
Кључне речи: Arthroscopy;Complication;Broken blade
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2002
Часопис: Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association
Сажетак: Arthroscopic surgery has a very low incidence of intraoperative complications. However, while the authors were using a No. 11 blade to resect the anterior horn of a meniscus, the blade broke and the fragment flew into the posterior knee compartment. The only way to remove it was to make an incision over the popliteal area. We describe this complication to show that improvisation and use of inappropriate surgical instruments can lead to serious problems and the failure of arthroscopic procedures.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10801
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