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Назив: Chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields: Effects on thyroid parafollicular cells in rats
Аутори: Vesna Rajković
Milica Matavulj
Dejan Vučković 
Кључне речи: Parafollicular cell;thyroid gland;electromagnetic field;stereology
Датум издавања: 6-авг-2010
Часопис: Archives of Biological Sciences
Сажетак: Based on the presented results and the previous data on thyroid follicles, it could be concluded that (i) PF cells and follicular cells reacted to EMF exposure similarly by their decreased activity, (ii) PF cells are the endocrine cell "population" in the thyroid less susceptible to EMFs, and (iii) the activation of PF cells after the first recovery week following EMF exposure indicates a possible moderate involvement of these cells in overall thyroid reaction to certain environmental influences.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10777
ISSN: 3544664
DOI: 10.2298/ABS1001023R
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