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Назив: Chemical vapor synthesis of nanocrystalline perovskites using laser flash evaporation of low volatility solid precursors
Аутори: Winterer, Markus
Srdić, Vladimir 
Đenadić, Ružica
Kompch, Alexander
Weirich, Thomas
Датум издавања: 20-дец-2007
Издавач: AIP Publishing
Часопис: Review of Scientific Instruments
Сажетак: One key requirement for the production of multinary oxide films by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or nanocrystalline multinary oxides particles by chemical vapor synthesis (CVS) is the availability of precursors with high vapor pressure. This is especially the case for CVS where much higher production rates are required compared to thin films prepared by CVD. However, elements, which form low valent cations such as alkaline earth metals, are typically only available as solid precursors of low volatility, e.g., in form of Β -diketonates. This study describes laser flash evaporation as precursor delivery method for CVS of nanocrystalline perovskites. Laser flash evaporation exploits the nonequilibrium evaporation of solid metal organic precursors of low vapor pressure by absorption of the infrared radiation of a C O2 laser. It is shown that stoichiometric, nanocrystalline particles consisting of SrZr O3 and SrTi O3 can be formed from corresponding mixtures of Β -diketonates which are evaporated nonselectively and with high rates by laser flash evaporation. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10555
ISSN: 00346748
DOI: 10.1063/1.2821234
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