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Назив: International epidemiology of child and adolescent psychopathology II: Integration and applications of dimensional findings from 44 societies
Аутори: Rescorla L.
Ivanova M.
Achenbach T.
Begovac I.
Chahed M.
Drugli M.
Emerich D.
Fung D.
Haider M.
Hansson K.
Hewitt N.
Jaimes S.
Larsson B.
Maggiolini A.
Jasminka Marković
Dragan Mitrović
Moreira P.
Oliveira J.
Olsson M.
Ooi Y.
Petot D.
Pisa C.
Pomalima R.
Da Rocha M.
Rudan V.
Slobodan Sekulić 
Shahini M.
De Mattos Silvares E.
Szirovicza L.
Valverde J.
Vera L.
Villa M.
Viola L.
Woo B.
Zhang E.
Кључне речи: Child Behavior;psychopathology
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2012
Часопис: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Сажетак: Objective: To build on Achenbach, Rescorla, and Ivanova (2012) by (a) reporting new international findings for parent, teacher, and self-ratings on the Child Behavior Checklist, Youth Self-Report, and Teachers Report Form; (b) testing the fit of syndrome models to new data from 17 societies, including previously underrepresented regions; (c) testing effects of society, gender, and age in 44 societies by integrating new and previous data; (d) testing cross-society correlations between mean item ratings; (e) describing the construction of multisociety norms; (f) illustrating clinical applications. Method: Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) of parent, teacher, and self-ratings, performed separately for each society; tests of societal, gender, and age effects on dimensional syndrome scales, DSM-oriented scales, Internalizing, Externalizing, and Total Problems scales; tests of agreement between low, medium, and high ratings of problem items across societies. Results: CFAs supported the tested syndrome models in all societies according to the primary fit index (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation [RMSEA]), but less consistently according to other indices; effect sizes were small-to-medium for societal differences in scale scores, but very small for gender, age, and interactions with society; items received similarly low, medium, or high ratings in different societies; problem scores from 44 societies fit three sets of multisociety norms. Conclusions: Statistically derived syndrome models fit parent, teacher, and self-ratings when tested individually in all 44 societies according to RMSEAs (but less consistently according to other indices). Small to medium differences in scale scores among societies supported the use of low-, medium-, and high-scoring norms in clinical assessment of individual children. © 2012 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10455
ISSN: 8908567
DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2012.09.012
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