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Назив: Physiological characteristics of system quanta of athletic performance
Аутори: Korobeinikova I.
Dudnik E.
Otto Barak 
Filippovich D.
Gruich N.
Lazhetich B.
Sudakov K.
Датум издавања: 1-јул-2007
Часопис: Human Physiology
Сажетак: Physiological mechanisms of muscle activity during cyclic physical exercises of various intensity, including individual maximum exercise intensity, have been studied in 30 athletes. The system quantization of behavior showed that the spectral components of heart rate variability during attainment of individual maximum exercise intensity by athletes change in different directions. An increase in the individual maximum exercise intensity is accompanied by an increase in the maximum movement pace after each system quantum of muscle activity and is performed at a lower heart rate. This increases the absolute spectral power of the EEG β2 range, and each system quantum of physical activity induces adequate triggering of autonomic mechanisms ensuring the activity. The results of this study may be used for professional selection or development of criteria of the endurance of athletes with regard to high cyclic exercise intensities. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc. 2007.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10381
ISSN: 3621197
DOI: 10.1134/S0362119707040147
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