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Назив: Seasonal variations of cytosolic antioxidant enzyme activities in the liver and white muscle of thinlip gray mullet (Liza ramada Risso) from the adriatic sea
Аутори: Pavlovic S.
Belić D.
Blagojević D.
Radojičić R.
Žikić R.
Saičić Z.
Grubor-Lajšić G.
Spasić M.
Датум издавања: 1-јул-2004
Часопис: Cryo-Letters
Сажетак: The activity of cytosolic antioxidative defence enzymes in the liver and white muscle of thinlip gray mullet (Liza ramada Risso) were compared in winter and spring in the Adriatic Sea.. Activity of antioxidative enzymes is functionally organized due to metabolic demands: analyses of variance and correlation analysis revealed tissue- and seasonal- specific organization of antioxidative enzymes. In winter GST activity increased in both tissues compared with spring. At the same time decreased GSH-Px and GR activities were observed and this effect was more pronounced in liver then in white muscle. From correlation analyses it is concluded that the antioxidative components correlate, but the composition of the antioxidative defence system is different in respect to season and tissue. This means that the antioxidative defence system reorganizes its structure due to oxidative demands and to protect the tissues against reactive oxygen species and to establish homeostasis. Discriminant analyses separated groups according to the complete organization of individual components of the system very well and identified individual components (CAT, GST and GR) which contribute most to the differences. Statistical differences were observed between enzyme activities in tissues (liver and muscle) in both winter and spring, and between seasons (winter and spring) for liver tissue only. Since environmental parameters, such as temperature and oxygen concentration in the sea differ with season, we conclude that in this species the tissues examined expressed their antioxidative defence systems in different ways in respect of external/environmental conditions. We propose that tissue- and seasonal- specific levels of antioxidant enzyme activities should be considered in the interpretation of data from future biomonitoring field studies, especially in relation to low temperature.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10347
ISSN: 01432044
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