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Назив: Effect of aroma and magnum hops extracts and paracetamol on antioxidant liver parameters in mice
Аутори: Vida Jakovljević
Mira Popović
Aleksandar Rašković 
Ana Sabo 
Radica Vasić
Кључне речи: hops extracts;paracetamol;liver function
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2008
Часопис: European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
Сажетак: Hop varieties that are mainly grown in Serbia are Magnum (German variety) and Aroma, which is grown only in the Vojvodina region. About the use of hops extracts as an auxiliary remedy there are divergent opinions. Our findings indicate that extracts of Magnum and Aroma varieties, among the others, enhance and prolong the analgesic action of paracetamol. For this reason we undertook a study of the effects of these extracts alone and in combination with paracetamol, along with the action of paracetamol alone, on the activity of the antioxidant enzymes GSHPx, CAT, Px, XOD, GSHR, glutathione content, LPx intensity, as well as activities of AST and ALT. Paracetamol in the dose applied exerted no influence on the investigated parameters and neither did ethanolic extract of Magnum variety. On the other hand, ethanolic extract of Aroma hops caused a significant reduction of GSH content. In combination with paracetamol, extracts of both Magnum and Aroma varieties reduced significantly the LPx intensity, activities of CAT and GSHPx, as well as GSH content in the liver homogenate. A significant increase in the AST value with respect to control was also observed. These findings indicate the disturbance in the functioning of hepatocytes, probably by decelarating metabolism and elimination of paracetamol.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10299
ISSN: 3787966
DOI: 10.1007/BF03190874
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