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Назив: Effects of the contents of impurities and seed hulls on the quality of cold-pressed sunflower oil
Аутори: Dimić, Etelka
Premović, Tamara
Takači, Aleksandar 
Кључне речи: seed hulls;dehulled kerner;sensory characteristics;chemical quality;oxidative stability;cold-pressed sunflower oil
Датум издавања: 25-јун-2012
Часопис: Czech Journal of Food Sciences
Сажетак: The effects of different contents of impurities and seed hulls in the raw material on the sensory characteristics, chemical quality, and oxidative stability of sunflower oil prepared by the procedure of cold pressing on a screw press were investigated. It was found that the presence of impurities (up to 10%) and hulls (up to 32%) had an adverse effect on the sensory and chemical characteristics of the oil. The adverse influence on the oils colour was also evidenced from the results of measuring their transparency, which ranged from 14.75% to 43.60%. The presence of impurities and seed hulls caused also a decrease in the oxidative stability of oils, as the values of the induction period ranged from 3.63 h to 4.63 h, while the Totox values were in the range from 2.25 to 5.87.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10121
ISSN: 12121800
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