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Title: Incidence of deoxynivalenol in serbian wheat and barley
Authors: Jajić, Igor 
Krstović, Saša 
Kos, Jovana 
Abramović, Biljana 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2014
Journal: Journal of Food Protection
Abstract: One hundred thirty-nine small-grain cereal (wheat and barley) samples collected during the 2010 harvest in Serbia were tested for deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination. Samples were classified into four different groups and then analyzed by analytical methods based on cleanup by solid-phase extraction and detection by liquid chromatography after the validation. Limits of detection of DON were 18 and 22 mg/kg for wheat and barley, respectively, and limits of quantification were 60 and 73 mg/kg for wheat and barley, respectively. Obtained recovery values for wheat and barley samples ranged from 93.7 to 105.8% and from 84.7 to 89.2%, respectively. Analysis of 128 wheat samples showed that 100 (78.1%) of them were contaminated with DON at the levels ranging from 64 to 4,808 μg/kg. The contamination level of even 16 (12.5%) samples was above the established maximum tolerable limits adopted by the European Commission (EC) and Serbian regulation. In the 11 examined barley samples, DON was found in 3 (27.3%), with the levels ranging from 118 to 355 mg/kg, although none of the samples were contaminated above the limit for this cereal. The results obtained were analyzed as a function of climatic conditions and compared with the previous data on the presence of DON in Serbia. Copyright © 2014 International Association for Food Protection.
ISSN: 0362028X
DOI: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-13-329
Appears in Collections:FINS Publikacije/Publications

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