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Title: Reduction of cyanogenic glycosides by extrusion - Influence of temperature and moisture content of the processed material
Authors: Čolović, Dušica 
Lević J.
Čolović, Radmilo 
Lević L.
Banjac, Vojislav 
Rakita , Slađana 
Đuragić , Olivera 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Journal: Acta Periodica Technologica
Abstract: The paper presents results of the investigation of the influence of extrusion temperature and moisture content of treated material on the reduction of cyanogenic glycosides (CGs) in linseed-based co-extrudate. CGs are the major limitation of the effective usage of linseed in animal nutrition. Hence, some technological process must be applied for detoxificationof linseed before its application as a nutrient. Extrusion process has demonstrated several advantages in reducing the present CGs, since it combines the influencesof heating, shearing, high pressure, mixing, etc. According to obtained results, the increase in both temperature and moisture content of the starting mixture decreased the contentof CGs in the processed material. HCN content, as a measurement of GCs presence, ranged from 25.42 mg/kg, recorded at the moisture content of 11.5%, to 126 mg/kg, detectedat the lowest moisture content of 7%. It seems that moisture content and temperature had the impact on HCN content of equal importance. However, the influence of extrusionparameters other than temperature and moisture content could not be neglected. Therefore, the impact of individual factors has to be tested together.
ISSN: 14507188
DOI: 10.2298/APT1546019C
Appears in Collections:FINS Publikacije/Publications

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