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Title: Bread enriched with ingredients based on fruits pre-treated with osmotic dehydration in sugar beet molasses
Authors: Filipčev, Bojana 
Šimurina, Olivera 
Mišljenović N.
Koprivica G.
Bodroža Solarov, Marija 
Plavšić, Dragana 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2011
Journal: Proceedings of 6th International Congress FLOUR-BREAD 2011 - 8th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists
Abstract: Apples and plums, pre-treated with osmotic dehydration in sugar beet molasses, were included to bread formulation at various levels. Two types of osmodehydrated ingredients were used: a) pieces of fruits obtained after osmotic dehydration as is; b) dried and grinded powders of osmotically dehydrated fruits. Macromineral composition, textural properties, specific volume and sensory attributes of the supplemented breads were determined. The addition of ingredients contributed to more favourable macromineral content, comparable to those of wholemeal breads; as compared to the control, all types of supplemented breads had significantly higher content of potassium and calcium (23-137% increase for K and 6.5-36% for Ca) whereas magnesium content was significantly increased in the samples made with plum at upper levels of supplementation (8.0-15.6% increase). Specific volume and textural properties were generally impaired, especially at upper supplementation levels. Sensory analysis showed that the supplemented breads had altered aroma profile (intense caramel- and fruit-like aroma), darker crust and crumb (especially those with the powdered ingredients) and better pore uniformity. Compressibility and pore fineness were best in the samples made with fruit pieces at lower doses but decreased in the samples made with powdered OD fruits. At lower doses of supplementation, supplemented breads were scored high regarding taste. Sensory analysis confirmed that the obtained breads at tested supplementation levels were acceptable and appealing.
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