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Title: Effect of the high polyunsaturated fatty acids layer diets supplemented with antioxidants on the cholesterol level of egg
Authors: Untea A.
Panaite T.
Criste R.
Ropota M.
Olteanu M.
Ivanović, Dragan
Spasevski , Nedeljka 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2012
Journal: CEFood 2012 - Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food
Abstract: The paper presents the results of a trial conducted for 8 weeks on 90 Lohmann Brown layers (43-51 weeks of layer age) assigned to 3 groups (3 layers per cage). The control group (C) received a basal corn (53.35%), corn gluten (1%) and soybean meal (26%) diet. The diets for the experimental groups (E1 and E2) has the same basal diet as C group but included flax seeds (7%), buckthorn oil (1%) and antioxidants, as follows: 250 ppm vitamin E (E1), and 250 ml/kg marigold extract (E2). Feed intake and egg production were monitored throughout the experiment. Egg samples (15 eggs/group) were collected on weeks 2, 5 and 8. Average samples (3 eggs/sample) were formed from the collected eggs for each variant and assayed for the gross chemical composition and yolk cholesterol. There are different results (p≤0.05) regarding feed intake (105,616±1,085 g) for group E1 compared with C group (111,198±1,037g) and E2 (110,769±0.924). Also, are different results (p≤0.05) regarding the egg weight (63,109±0,527 g) for group E1 compared with C group (62,027±0,209037g) end E2 (61,744±0,104 g). The yolk cholesterol decreased throughout the experimental period (43-51 weeks of layer age) in all groups, which shows that this fact was not related to the diet. Thus, the decrease was 18.27% for C group (0.559 ± 0.13 g col/fresh yolk in the end of the experiment, compared to 0.684 ± 0.048 g col/fresh yolk, initial value), 7.15% for E1 (0.519 ± 0.053 g col/fresh yolk in the end of the experiment, compared to 0.559 ± 0.07 g col/fresh yolk, the initial value) and 8.45 % for E2 (0.520 ± 0.034 g col/fresh yolk in the end of the experiment, compared to 0.568 ± 0.042 g col/fresh yolk, initial value).
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