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Title: Possibilities for preservation of coarse particles in pelleting process to improve feed quality characteristics
Authors: Vukmirović, Đuro
Fišteš, Aleksandar 
Lević, Jovanka
Čolović, Radmilo 
Rakić, Dušan 
Brlek, Tea
Banjac, Vojislav 
Keywords: business model;agricultural production;Cobb-Douglas;Artificial Neural Network;Serbia
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2017
Journal: Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
Abstract: Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH Poultry diets are mainly used in pelleted form because pellets have many advantages compared to mash feed. On the other hand, pelleting causes reduction of feed particle size. The aim of this research was to investigate the possibility of increasing the content of coarse particles in pellets, and, at the same time, to produce pellets with satisfactory quality. In this research, the three grinding treatments of corn were applied using hammer mill with three sieve openings diameter: 3 mm (HM-3), 6 mm (HM-6) and 9 mm (HM-9). These grinding treatments were combined in pelleting process with three gaps between rollers and the die of pellet press (roller-die gap, RDG) (0.30, 1.15 and 2.00 mm) and three moisture contents of the pelleted material (14.5, 16.0 and 17.5%). The increased coarseness of grinding by the hammer mill resulted in the increased amount of coarse particles in pellets, especially when the smallest RDG was applied (0.30 mm), but pellet quality was greatly reduced. Increasing of RDG improved the quality of pellets produced from coarsely ground corn, but reduced the content of coarse particles in pellets and increased specific energy consumption of the pellet press. Increasing the moisture content of material to be pelleted (MC) significantly reduced energy consumption of the pellet press, but there was no significant influence of MC on particle size after pelleting and on the pellet quality. The optimal values of the pelleting process parameters were determined using desirability function method. The results of optimization process showed that to achieve the highest possible quantity of coarse particles in the pellets, and to produce pellets of satisfactory quality, with the lowest possible energy consumption of the pellet press, the coarsest grinding on hammer mill (HM-9), the largest RDG (2 mm) and the highest MC (17.5%) should be applied.
ISSN: 09312439
DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12489
Appears in Collections:TF Publikacije/Publications

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