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Title: Proximate and mineral composition and cadmium content of main anatomical parts and offal from semi-outdoor reared Black Slavonian pigs
Authors: Tomović, Vladimir 
Mastanjević, Krešimir
Kovačević, Dragan
Jokanović, Marija 
Kevrešan, Žarko 
Škaljac (Savatić), Snežana 
Šojić, Branislav 
Lukač, Dragomir
Škrobot, Dubravka 
Despotović, Aleksandra
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2016
Publisher: Milano: TKS
Journal: Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech / Growing Healthy
Abstract: Proximate and mineral composition and cadmium content were determined in loin, ham, shoulder and neck (without visible subcutaneous but with intramuscular fat) and in heart, liver and kidney belonging to semi-outdoor reared Black Slavonian pigs. Proximate composition and phosphorous content were determined according to ISO methods. Metals content were determined by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry after mineralisation by dry ashing. Loin had the highest protein content, and the lowest Na, Zn, Fe and Cu content. The highest content of moisture, total ash, K, P and Mg, and the lowest content of total fat were found in the ham. Shoulder was the highest in Na, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn content. The highest content of total fat, and the lowest content of moisture, protein, total ash, K, P, Mg, Ca and Mn were found in neck. Regarding offal composition, moisture, protein, total ash, P, Na, Zn and Mn content were significantly different among all three offal. All individual cadmium contents were below maximum set levels.
ISSN: 17226996
Appears in Collections:TF Publikacije/Publications

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