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Назив: Suppression of metal artefacts in CT using virtual singorams and corresponding MR images
Аутори: Anderla, Andraš 
Sladojević, Srđan 
Delso G.
Ćulibrk, Dubravko 
Mirković, Milan
Stefanović, Darko 
Датум издавања: 10-апр-2017
Часопис: Current Science
Сажетак: Medical imaging is invaluable when it comes to gaining insight into the human body. As is well known, medical images need to deal with artefacts. This article presents a modern procedure for metal artifact reduction in computed tomography, which relies on additional information extracted from corresponding magnetic resonance images. We conducted a simulation study so as to compare the resulting images with those corrected, using the baseline linear interpolation method. The outcome indicates that the proposed method incomparably outperforms the baseline and reduces metal artefacts, improving the quality of images, which can be later used in a clinical setting.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3279
ISSN: 113891
DOI: 10.18520/cs/v112/i07/1505-1511
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