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Title: Adaptability of Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. to Climate Changes in Multifunctional Landscape
Authors: Petrov, Djurdja
Ocokoljić, Mirjana
Galečić, Nevenka
Skočajić, Dejan
Simović, Isidora 
Keywords: phenology; fruit-bearing trees; cherry plum; ecosystem services; DOY; GDD; landscape design; resilience
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Publisher: MDPI
Journal: Atmosphere
Abstract: Urban trees play a vital role in mitigating climate changes, maintaining the sustainability of ecosystems. This study focuses on the assessment of the resilience of cherry plums to climate changes, a fruit-bearing species that offers diverse ecosystem services within multifunctional urban and suburban landscapes. This study examines flowering and fruiting in the context of climate characteristics, expressed through the Day of the Year (DOY), Growing Degree Days (GDDs), and a yield over 17 consecutive years. The results indicate significant shifts in the DOY but not in the GDD, apart from the end of flowering. The onset of flowering was earlier and the end postponed, extending the phenophase by an average of 4 days. The cherry plum’s yield was unaffected by climate changes, including extreme events like a late-spring frost. The stability of the cherry plum was confirmed by the phenological patterns of the bullace (cherry plum and blackthorn hybrid) exhibiting repeated flowering in the warmest year of 2023. The cherry plum is an adaptive species, with a high adaptability to a changing climate and a high resistance to late-spring frosts; thus, it is a favorable choice in urban design and planning, demonstrating resilience to climate shifts and thriving in polluted urban environments. It is especially appreciated for multiple ecosystem services: biodiversity conservation in natural and semi-natural areas, yielding good provisions in challenging environments, and the preservation of ornamental values through an extended flowering phenophase.
ISSN: 2073-4433
DOI: 10.3390/atmos15030335
Appears in Collections:IBS Publikacije/Publications

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