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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 15737
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Dec-2016Towards Objective Evaluation of Students’ Data ModelsZoltan Kazi ; Branka Radulović 
2003Modeliranje i implementacija sistema za unos podataka sa kataloških listića u XML tehnologijiZubić, Tatjana ; Dušan Surla
1-Apr-2020Computer methodologies for comparison of computational efficiency of simultaneous methods for finding polynomial zerosPetković, I. ; Herceg, Đ. 
Jun-2022Phytoremediation of sediment polluted with organic pollutantsKragulj Isakovski, M ; Maletić, S ; Rončević, S. ; Stojanov, N.; Zeremski, T.
Jun-2022FITOREMEDIJACIJA ZAGAĐENOG SEDIMENTAĐukanović, N.; Beljin, J. ; Zeremski, T.; Tričković, J. ; Rončević, S. ; Stojanov, N.; Maletić, S. 
Mar-2022Potential of Brassica Napus for Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals from Soil and SedimentĐukanović, N.; Beljin, J. ; Zeremski, T.; Tričković, J. ; Rončević, S. ; Stojanov, N.; Maletić, S. 
Mar-2022Leaf_Stem_NJBDunja Karanović 
2016Influence of sumanene modifications with boron and nitrogen atoms to its hydrogen adsorption propertiesArmaković Stevan ; Armaković Sanja ; Pelemiš Svetlana; Mirjanić Dragoljub
2016Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of goniobutenolides A and B, 5-halogenated crassalactone D derivatives and the corresponding 7-epimersKovačević Ivana ; Popsavin Mirjana ; Benedeković Goran ; Kojić Vesna ; Jakimov Dimitar; Rodić Marko ; Srdić Rajić Tatjana; Bogdanović Gordana; Divjaković Vladimir; Popsavin Velimir 
2016Toxicological and chemical investigation of untreated municipal wastewater: Fraction- and species-specific toxicityHrubik Jelena; Glišić Branka; Tubic Aleksandra ; Ivancev Ivana; Kovacevic Radmila; Samardžija Dragana; Andrić Nebojša ; Kaisarevic (Zoric) Sonja
2016Synthesis, structural analysis and cytotoxic activity of novel A- and B-modified d-homo lactone androstane derivativeSavic (Zavis) Marina ; Klisuric Olivera ; Penov Katarina; Jakimov D.; Sakac Marija; Đurendić Evgenija
2016Optoelectronic properties of higher acenes, their BN analogue and substituted derivativesArmaković Stevan ; Armaković Sanja ; Holodkov Vladimir; Pelemiš Svetlana
2014Synthesis of a new α,β-unsaturated oxo bile acidŠkorić Dušan ; Sakač Marija; Čanadi Janoš 
2016Synthesis and in vitro antitumour activity of tiazofurin analogues with nitrogen functionalities at the C-2' positionPopsavin Mirjana ; Kojić Vesna ; Torović Ljilja; Svirčev Miloš ; Spaić Saša; Jakimov Dimitar; Aleksić Lidija; Bogdanović Gordana; Popsavin Velimir 
2015Sinteza novog steroidnog heterocikličnog derivataOklješa Aleksandar ; Nikolić (Gaković) Andrea ; Škorić Dušan ; Sakač Marija; Đurendić Evgenija; Penov-Gaši Katarina
2015Sinteza epoksida iz henodezoksiholne kiselineŠkorić Dušan ; Sakač Marija; Čanadi Janoš 
2016Comparison and Estimation of the Values in Wetland Areas: a Study of Ramsar Sites Obedska Bara (Serbia) and Lonjsko Polje (Croatia)Petrović Marko; Pavić Dragoslav ; Marković Slobodan ; Mészáros Minucsér; Jovičić Ana
2013Synthesis of oxo bile acid derivatives and their micellization studiesŠkorić Dušan 
2016Могућност примене мешаних нанокристалних оксидних фотокатализатора у разградњи активних компонената лекова, потенцијалних загађивача вода у сливу Дунава на подручју ВојводинеIvetić Tamara ; Finčur Nina ; Абрамовић Биљана; Штрбац Горан; Лукић-Петровић Светлана
2016Polygon Intersection Based Algorithm for Fuzzy Set Compatibility CalculationsSukpisit Sukgamon; Kansomkeat Supaporn; Sae Ueng Pannipa; Thadadech Apirada; Škrbić Srđan 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 15737