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dc.contributor.advisorPejanović Radovan-
dc.contributor.authorĐukić Sanja-
dc.contributor.otherNjegovan Zoran-
dc.contributor.otherLazić Lazar-
dc.description.abstract<p>U radu se analiziraju agroekonomski faktori odrţivog razvoja na primeru regiona Fru&scaron;ke gore. Potreba za istraţivanjem ovih faktora polazi od ĉinjenice da je poljoprivreda najzastupljenija delatnost u ovom regionu, taĉnije u njegovoj za&scaron;titnoj zoni. Identifikovanje i kvantifikovanje agroekonomskih faktora putem relevantnih indikatora odrţive poljoprivrede pro&scaron;ireno je i na aspekt ruralnog razvoja. U radu je dat pregled vladajuće literature, kao i veći broj metodologija odrţivog razvoja, odrţive poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja. Prikazani su razliĉiti pristupi u regionalne ekonomije i oceni regionalne konkurentnosti ruralnih podruĉja u cilju sveobuhvatne analize posmatrane problematike. Date su karakteristike istraţivanog prostora na primeru Fru&scaron;ke gore (potencijala za odrţivi razvoj, profili op&scaron;tina/gradova koji ulaze u obuhvat ovog regiona, kao i prikaz odrţivih opredeljenja za sve delatnosti). Na osnovu dostupnih podataka analiziran je uticaj pojedinih agroekonomskih faktora odrţivog razvoja regiona Fru&scaron;ke gore, i data je procena njihovog daljeg delovanja u budućem periodu, uz uvaţavanje ostalih ekonomskih pokazatelja Republike Srbije i AP Vojvodine. U dokazivanju ili opovrgavanju hipoteza, osim identifikacije agroekonomskih faktora odrţivog razvoja, kori&scaron;ćeno je anketno istraţivanje svih zainteresovanih subjekata u regionu Fru&scaron;ke gore. Isto tako, izloţene su ideje i predlozi za buduća istraţivanja i predloţen je model koji bi na najoptimalniji naĉin valorizovao sve potencijale Fru&scaron;ke gore, a prvenstveno onih koji su u funkciji unapreĊenja poljoprivrede, ruralnog i odrţivog razvoja.</p>sr
dc.description.abstract<p>This paper analyses agrieconomics factors of sustainable development in the case of region of Fru&scaron;ka gora. The need for research on these factors comes from the fact that agriculture is the most common activity in the region, specifically in its protective zone. An identifying and quantifying agrieconomics factor through relevant indicators of sustainable agriculture has been extended to an aspect of rural development. The paper gives an overview of the actual literature, and a number of methodologies for sustainable development, sustainable agriculture and rural development. Different theoretical approaches of the regional economy and the assessment of regional competitiveness of rural areas are presented, in order a comprehensive analysis of the observed issues. The characteristics of the area in the case of Fru&scaron;ka gora are presented (potential for sustainable development, profiles of municipalities/cities which are located in the scope of this region, as well as the sustainable orientation for all business activity). Based on available data, was analysed the influence of the certain agrieconomics factors of sustainable development of the region of Fru&scaron;ka gora, and assessment of their impact in the following period, together with other economic indicators of the Republic of Serbia and AP Vojvodina. In proving or disproving the hypothesis, except the identification agrieconomics factors of sustainable development, the research by a survey questionnaire of all stakeholders in the region of Fru&scaron;ka gora was used. Also, the ideas and suggestions for future research are expressed and a model that would optimally valorised all potentials of Fru&scaron;ka gora is proposed, primarily those that are aimed at improving the agricultural, rural and sustainable development.</p>en
dc.language.isosr (latin script)-
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectAgriculture, rural development, agrieconomic factors, sustainable development, Fruška goraen
dc.subjectPoljoprivreda, ruralni razvoj, agroekosnomski faktori, odrţivi razvoj, Fruška gorasr
dc.titleAgroekonomski faktori održivog razvoja regiona Fruške goresr
dc.source.institutionPoljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:POLJF Teze/Theses
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