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dc.contributor.advisorDalmacija Božo-
dc.contributor.authorPrica Miljana-
dc.contributor.otherNikolić Aleksandar-
dc.contributor.otherKlašnja Mile-
dc.contributor.otherDalmacija Božo-
dc.description.abstract<p>Predmet izučavanja ove disertacije, osim poređenja različitih metoda procene rizika na&nbsp;osnovu karakterizacije kvaliteta sedimenta vodotokova Vojvodine, bilo je i ispitivanje&nbsp;mogućnosti imobilizacije te&scaron;kih metalau sedimentu primenom različitih remedijacionih&nbsp;tehnika kao i određivanje njihove efikasnosti (npr. solidifikacija/stabilizacija silikatnim&nbsp;materijalima, portland cementom, kalcijum-oksidom itd.) u zavisnosti od brojnih faktora.&nbsp;Osim pseudo-ukupnog sadržaja metala određene su i specifičnije frakcije metala sa posebnim<br />osvrtom na određivanje potencijalno biodostupnih frakcija.</p><p>Rezultati su ukazali da je naosnovu holandskih preporuka sediment pojedinih vodotokova&nbsp;Vojvodine (Begej, DTD-kanal,Nadela, Sava-&Scaron;abac) zagađen metalima (klasa 4) i da je&nbsp;neohodno izmuljivanje i remedijacija. Prema USEPA i kanadskim preporukama, neki uzorci&nbsp;su potencijalno toksični, ali nije zabeležena akutna toksičnost za test vrste u pornoj vodi. Za&nbsp;neke uzorke, i pored visoke pseudo-ukupne koncentracije (klasa 4), nije potvrđena&nbsp;potencijalna toksičnost na osnovu odnosa kiselog volatilnog sulfida i simultano ekstrahovanih&nbsp;metala. Dok se ne primene skuplje metode remedijacije i tretmana sedimenta, najbolje re&scaron;enje&nbsp;je izolovano skladi&scaron;tenje na specijalnim&nbsp; deponijama. Naredni koraci bi trebali da budu&nbsp;usresređeni na kontrolu i sprečavanje zagađenja kako bi se obezbedilo da revitalizacija ovih&nbsp;vodotoka ima trajni pozitivan uticaj na životnu sredinu i nesmetanu i bezbednu plovidbu, kao&nbsp;i na primenu određenih remedijacionih metoda. Poređenje rezultata koji su dobijeni različitim&nbsp;procenama kvaliteta sedimenta pokazalo je da ponekad nije dovoljan jedan pristup i da je&nbsp;potrebno je uključiti metode procene biodostupnosti, biotestove i aspekt radioaktivnosti. U&nbsp;uzorku sedimenta koji je kori&scaron;ćen za ispitivanje efikasnosti remedijacionih tretmana,&nbsp;pokazano je da cink, nikal i olovo imaju visok rizik po okolinu, jer seprocenat metala u&nbsp;izmenljivoj i karbonatnoj fazi kretao od 40.1 do 45.2%. Cr i Cd imaju umeren rizik, dok je&nbsp;bakar prisutan u ovim frakcijama u koncentraciji koja predviđa nizak rizik (5.3%). Ovo je u&nbsp;skladu i sa rezultatima analize porne vode i simultano ekstrahovanih metala i kiselog&nbsp;volatilnog sulfida.</p><p>Istraživanje prikazano u radu je dalo odgovor na pitanje da li remedijacija može uspe&scaron;no da&nbsp;ukloni zagađenje, u smislu imobilizacije metala u stanje kada oni vi&scaron;e neće biti opasnost po&nbsp;okolinu. Svi primenjeni tretmani doveli su dosmanjenja procenta kumulativno izluženih&nbsp;metala iz S/S sme&scaron;a, ali nijedna sme&scaron;a tretiranog sedimenta i ispitivanih imobilizacionih&nbsp;agenasa ne pripada grupi inertnog otpada ukoliko se kumulativne izlužene koncentracije&nbsp;metala porede sa koncentracijama koje za otpad propisuje Evropska Unija (2003/33/EC).&nbsp;Ukoliko nam je cilj dobijanje nehazardnog otpada onda moramo primeniti u tretmanu&nbsp;sedimenta kontaminiranog metalima najmanje 30% imobilizaconih agenasa (cementa,&nbsp;kalcijum-oksida). Najveća efikasnost u imobilizaciji metala postignuta je kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp;cementa i kalcijum-oksida u sme&scaron;i (30% cementa i 10% kalcijum-oksida) i primenom termičkog tretmana na vi&scaron;oj temperaturi (1100<sup>0</sup>C) sa glinom (20% gline) &scaron;to je zaključeno na osnovu koeficijenata difuzije i indeksa izlužljivosti. Dominantan mehanizam izluživanjametala iz ovih sme&scaron;a je difuzija.</p>sr
dc.description.abstract<p>This work is concerned with the comparison of the different methods of metal risk assessment&nbsp;in sediments based on examination of the qualityof water courses in Vojvodina. Besides, it&nbsp;deals with the possibility of applying remediation treatments of contaminated sediment and&nbsp;with the efficiency of the different methods, that is the techniques, for immobilization of&nbsp;sediment heavy metals by applying S/S and thermal treatments. A dominant mechanism is&nbsp;proposed for the process of leaching ofthe metals from treated mixtures.</p><p>Comparison of the results obtained by the different methods of sediment quality assessment&nbsp;showed that in some cases one approach to solving this problem is not &nbsp;sufficient. Metal&nbsp;concentrations in particular sediment samples (the Begej, the DTD Canal, the Nadela, the&nbsp;Sava at &Scaron;abac) indicate the presence of contamination, the analyzed samples being of Class 4.&nbsp;According to the Dutch regulations, a sedimentof &nbsp;Class 4 is of unacceptable quality and&nbsp;requires urgent intervention in the sense of sediment dredging, disposal into special depots,&nbsp;and, if possible, remediation. For some samples, despite a high pseudo-total concentration&nbsp;(Class 4), no potential toxicity was confirmed onthe basis of the ratioof the acidic volatile&nbsp;sulfide and simultaneously extracted metals. The results showed that, apart from chemical&nbsp;analyses, biological tests are also necessary, but also sequential extraction analysis, which can&nbsp;more clearly define the way of metal binding to the particular sediment fractions, to allow a&nbsp;more reliable prediction of metal mobility, potential toxicity and bioavailability. In the&nbsp;analysis of sediment quality it is also necessary toinclude the aspect of radioactivity, as it has&nbsp;been shown that the results of this analysis can, not only confirm some of the results of the&nbsp;other analyses, but also indicate the sediment age, origin of contamination and potential&nbsp;toxicity.The subsequent steps should be directed to the control and prevention of&nbsp;contamination, in order to ensure that the water course reviatalization has a lasting positive&nbsp;effect on the environment, an unimpared and safe navigation and application of remediation&nbsp;methods.</p><p>In the sediment sample (Class 4) that was usedfor the examination of the efficiency of it&nbsp;appeared that zinc, nickel and lead exhibit a high risk, as the percentages of these metals in&nbsp;the exchangeable and carbonate phases were in the range from 40.1 &nbsp;to 45.2%. On the other&nbsp;hand, chromium and cadmium exhibited a moderaterisk, whereas copperin these fractions&nbsp;was present at the levels corresponding to a low risk (5.3%). This is alsoin agreement with&nbsp;the results of pore water analysis and simultaneously extracted metals and acid volatile&nbsp;sulphide examinations.</p><p>The investigations presented in this work provided an answer to the question whetehr the&nbsp;remediation can successfully remove the contamination in the sense of the immobilization of&nbsp;metals in a state that will not be harmful tothe environment. All the treatments applied&nbsp;yielded a decrease of the percentage of cumulatively leached metals from the S/S mixtures,&nbsp;but none of the mixtures of treated sediments with the tested immobilization agents belongs to&nbsp;the group of inert materials if the cumulative leached concentrations are compared with the&nbsp;concntrations for the wastes given by the EU legislation (2003/33/EC). Ifthe goal is to obtain a non-hazardous material it is necessary to treat the contaminatedsediment with at least 30% of the immobilizing agent (cement or calcium oxide). Based on the diffusion coefficients and leachability index, the highest immobilization efficiency was achieved using a mixture of cement and calcium oxide (30% of cement and 10% of CaO) and by applying thermal treatment at a higher temperature (1100<sup>0</sup>C) with clay (20%). A dominant mechanism of leaching metals from these mixtures is diffusion.</p>en
dc.language.isosr (latin script)-
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectsediment, metals, pollution, metal fractionation, quality criterions, sediment remediation, metal immobilizationen
dc.subjectsediment, metali, zagađenje, frakcionacija metala, kriterijumi kvaliteta, remedijacijasedimenta, imobilizacija metalasr
dc.titleThe effects of remediation treatments application on the sediment heavy metal immobilizationen
dc.titleEfekti primene različitih postupaka remedijacije na imobilizaciju teških metala u sedimentusr
dc.source.institutionPrirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext- tehničkih nauka, Departman za grafičko inženjerstvo i dizajn- tehničkih nauka-
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