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Title: Artificial Lakes on Bačka Loess Plateau as Touristic Resource of Vojvodina
Authors: Tolgyesi Huba
Pavić Dragoslav 
Mesaroš Minučer 
Keywords: artificial lakes, Bačka loess plateau, Vojvodina, touristic resources
Issue Date: 2011
Journal: Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitalty, 2011, Via Danube, the Main Street of Europe, 14th Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality- Via Danube, the Main Street of Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2011, 29.09.-30.09., No 14
Abstract: In the tourism development master plan of Serbia Vojvodina is described as “water treasure and Pannonian pleasure”. The province gained this description above all because of the Danube river, the most valuable water potential and resource of Vojvodina and entire Serbia, as well as the rivers Sava and Tisa. However, natural and artificial lakes on the territory of Vojvodina should not be excluded either, because they constitute an essential and significant part of the above mentioned “water treasure” with their large number and characteristics. Artificial lakes are common phenomena in Vojvodina. One of the characteristic areas, where these lakes are formed is the Bačka loess plateau. This area is a unique geologic and topographic unit in the northwestern part of Vojvodina, which is generally water-poor, because of the geological structure and the overall higher elevation of this plateau relative to the surrounding areas. Exactly because of this fact, i.e. the need for water, primarily in agriculture, accumulations were formed on the streams Krivaja (Zobnatica, Panonija, Moravica, Pačir, Tavankut), Čik (Svetićevo), Krnjaja (Čonoplja) and the canal Tisa-Palić (Velebit). Beside the basic functions, today these artificial lakes more or less adopt touristic and recreational functions. Namely, the global development of tourism and lifestyle changes influenced in significant extent that these lakes slowly receive the attention as touristic locations for the local population. Most of these lakes are still totally undiscovered though for travelers and tourists from other areas, not to mention foreign countries. This indicates the fact that these lakes are still not sufficiently touristically exploited, which is exactly the main reason that initiated the research in this subject. This research aims to demonstrate primarily the main hydrological characteristics of the artificial lakes on the Bačka loess plateau. Afterwards the touristic infrastructure and the offers will be analysed and presented. Finally an overall evaluation of the current touristic utilisation of these lakes will be given, considering the real touristic potential of each of these lakes, which is often different in each particular case. In this part of the research, options and instructions will be given to increase and advance the touristic functions of these artificial lakes, which should result in full inclusion of these locations in the tourist offer of Vojvodina and Serbia as well.
ISBN: 978-86-7031-233-3
Appears in Collections:PMF Publikacije/Publications

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