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dc.contributor.advisorVučković Mirjana-
dc.contributor.authorRadulović Snežana-
dc.contributor.otherStevanović Vladimir-
dc.contributor.otherPajević Slobodanka-
dc.contributor.otherVučković Mirjana-
dc.description.abstract<p style="text-align: justify;">Cilj rada je bio utvr&eth;ivanje recentnog stanja akvaticne vegetacije kao i veza izme&eth;u limnolo&scaron;kih i ekolo&scaron;kih karakteristika i<br />distribucije akvaticnih fitocenoza, kori&scaron;cenjem savremenih tehnika u dugorocnom biomonitotringu za&scaron;ticenih podrucja. Prema popisu<br />Znacajnih podrucja za ptice u Evropi (IBA) ovo podrucje je uvr&scaron;teno u spisak mocvara od me&eth;unarodnog znacaja u okviru<br />Ramsarske konvencije.<br />U cilju definisanja ekolo&scaron;kog statusa i efikasne interkalibracije ekolo&scaron;kog statusa akvaticnih ekosistema i samim tim potrebom za<br />standardizacijom metoda koje se koriste u monitoringu makrofita, kori&scaron;tene su standardne fitoceno&scaron;ke metode (Braun-Blanquet,<br />1964, Westhoff &amp; van der Maarel, 1973).<br />U okviru Specijalnog rezervata prirode &lsquo;Stari Begej-Carska bara&rsquo; najznacajniju hidrolo&scaron;ku karakteristiku predstavljaju tok Starog<br />Begeja i Carska bara. Pre regulisanja Begeja i izgradnje kompleksa ribnjaka u neposrednoj blizini, Begej je plavio kompletan rit.<br />Velika kolicina vode koja je oticala u pravcu Tise usecala je duboko korito u levom, ne&scaron;to izdignutijem delu lesne zaravni. Nakon<br />regulisanja glavnog korita (pregra&eth;ivanjem Begeja oko 15 km, podizanjem novog nasipa istocno od starog toka) usmeravanjem toka<br />Begeja kroz novo korito potpuno je odsecen deo Starog Begeja (oko 15-og kilometra).<br />U uzrocno &ndash; posledicnom krugu, u kojem nataloženi mulj predstavlja idealan supstrat, posebno sa aspekta bioprodukcije, gde uz<br />povoljne hidrorežimske uslove za bujanje avaticne i semiakvaticne veteacije - malu oscilaciju nivoa vode, slabu protocnost i visoke<br />temperature, kompletna ekolo&scaron;ka situacija vodi u vegetacijske degradacione sukcesijske procese, odnosno potpuno zara&scaron;civanje<br />vodenih biotopa ovog podrucja<br />Mikro-osobenosti vodenih celina odre&eth;uju realan okvir u kojem se razvijaju makrofite u celini, a razlike u biodiverzitet se ogledaju<br />se u vecoj numerickoj vrednosti &aacute;-diverziteta makrofita na podrucju Carske bare u pore&eth;enju sa Starim Begejom ( Carska bara, H&rsquo;<br />= 3.02, E = 0.87, S = 32 i Stari Begej H&rsquo;= 2.86 E =0.84 S =30)<br />Uzorci za odre&eth;ivanje fizicko-hemijskih karakteristika vode uzimani su na 10 lokaliteta, sa dubine od 50 cm ispod povr&scaron;ine vode.<br />Osnovni parametri kvaliteta povr&scaron;inskih voda (kiseonik, temperatura, elektroprovodljivost i pH) merena su elektrohemijski,<br />standardnim metodama (APHA-AWWA&ndash;WEF, 1995). Ostali parametri (TSS, TOC, SUR, COD, NO3, BOD) mereni su na UV<br />spektrofotometru Sekomam Pastel &ndash; UV portabl.<br />Kada je u pitanju trend vrednosti za elektroprovodljivost, u prolecnom periodu, kada se voda uvodi u Stari Begej registruju se<br />najmanje vrednosti (ispod 600ms/cm), dok se najvi&scaron;e vrednosti kontatovane u kasno jesenjem odnosno zimskom periodu (preko 600<br />i 700ms/cm) kada je vodostaj najniži. Ove karakteristike defini&scaron;u klasu srednje mineralizovanih voda. Zbog velike bioprodukcije<br />sardžaj nitrata se nalazi u zoni ispod 0.5, &scaron;to je karakteristika voda zone prve i druge klase. Razultati koji se odnose na pH vrednosti<br />detektuju manje ili vi&scaron;e izraženu alkalnost vode, koja se uglavnom krece u dijapazonu od 6-8. Na osnovu ovog parametra kvalitet<br />vode se može definisati kao prva i druga klasa kvaliteta, ali uzimajuci u obzir ostale parametre, malu providnost vode a posebno<br />visoke saturacione vrednosti kiseonika, radi se zapravo o kvalitetu III i IV klase.<br />U uzrocno &ndash; posledicnom krugu, u kojem nataloženi mulj predstavlja idealan supstrat, posebno sa aspekta bioprodukcije, gde uz<br />povoljne hidrorežimske uslove za bujanje avaticne i semiakvaticne veteacije - malu oscilaciju nivoa vode, slabu protocnost i visoke<br />temperature, kompletna ekolo&scaron;ka situacija vodi u vegetacijske degradacione sukcesijske procese, odnosno potpuno zara&scaron;civanje<br />vodenih biotopa ovog podrucja.<br />Georeferenciranje prostorno orijentisanih podataka (kartiranje) ocitavano je pomocu Trimble GPS GeoExplorer 3 sistema, GIS<br />orijenisanog GPS-a, tzv. GIS kolektora podataka i cija je namena da korisnika navodi (naviguje) po terenu, registruju koordinate<br />pozicija uzoraka kao i druge atributivne podatke.<br />Na istraživanom podrucju konstatovane su i kartirane sledece akvaticne vegetacijske jedinice</p><p style="text-align: justify;">1. Lemno-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae W.Koch 1926<br />2. Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae Slavnic 1956<br />3. Lemno minoris &ndash; Utricularietum vulgaris (So&oacute;) 28 ex Pass 62<br />4. Wollfietum arrhizae Slavnic 1956<br />5. Myriophyllo-Potametum Soo 1934<br />facies sa Potamogeton perfoliatus<br />facies sa Potamogeton crispusfacies sa Potamogeton pectinatus<br />6. Ceratophylletum demersi So&oacute; 1934<br />7. Hydrochari-Nyphoidetum peltatae Slavnic 56<br />facies Hydrocharis morsus-ranae<br />facies Nymphoides peltata<br />8. Nymphaeetum albo-luteae Nowinski 1928<br />subas. nymphaetosum (Tim&aacute;r 54) Karpati 61<br />9.Trapetum natantis Muller et Gors 1960<br />10.Scirpo-Phragmitetum W.Koch 1926<br />subass: phragmitetosum Schmalle 1939<br />subass: schoenoplectetosum lacustris So&oacute; 1957<br />subass: typhaetosum (angustifoliae-latifoliae) So&oacute;1957<br />&nbsp;</p>sr
dc.description.abstract<p>This paper discussed the links between the present status of aquatic vegetation and the main habitat characteristics of the Carska<br />Bara ecosystem. It is essential that the rapid spread of emergent vegetation in these water bodies is tracked by appropriate<br />long-term monitoring of hydrology and biology.<br />Carska Bara ecosystem is well known as Important Bird Area and as Ramsar site. It is situated at the river firth of Begej and<br />Tisza, 72-78 00 m elevation to the east side of Voivodina, Serbia. However, basic changes in the ecosystem were completed after<br />serious works in the period 1971&ndash;1974, when the river Begej was partitioned at its 15th kilometer and a new embankment was<br />built east of the riverbed. The flow of the Begej was redirected into new riverbed, so that part, called Stari Begej (former<br />riverbed) was completely cut-off for about 10 km from Tisza and Begej. Thanks to the controlled water regime, the inundation of<br />the low terrain from the old riverbed has been reduced, having an important influence on current vegetation.<br />The rapid spread of emergent vegetation in the Carska Bara water bodies is tracked by appropriate long-term monitoring of<br />hydrology and biology. The most efficient ecosystem monitoring techniques were selected to provide information about the<br />relationships between the status of aquatic phytocenoses and trophic status, as well as regulated water regimes.<br />Owing to the reduction in flooded areas and the spread of emergent growth forms by regulation of the River Begej, vegetation<br />mapping should gather data on phytocenology, floristic and growth-forms. The most suitable is the Weshoff - Maaler method<br />(Weshoff, 1973), which is based primarily on the Braun-Blanquet floristic-phytocenological approach (Braun-Blanquet, 1964).<br />Samples for physical and electro-chemical measurements were taken from 10 profiles from the surface of water bodies. All<br />analyses were done using UV Sekomam Pastel and standard electrochemical methodology (APHA-AWWA&ndash;WEF, 1995).<br />Electro-chemical analyses have detected that the water is slightly alkaline (7.75), highly conductive (600 &mu;S/cm&ndash;1), with oxygen<br />saturation from 80&ndash;120%. The results of chemical analysis indicated the mesotrophic-eutrophyc water category.<br />Within investigations of aquatic- and semi-aquatic flora and vegetation 55 characteristic class species were noted.<br />Comparing index of diversity, as well as richness and evenness of macrophytes at the majority of sampling sites, it is to be<br />expected that strict nature reserve (Carska bara) has slightly higher diversity values than Stari Begej (Carska bara, H&rsquo;= 3.02, E =<br />0.87, S = 32 i Stari Begej H&rsquo;= 2.86 E =0.84 S =30)<br />General overview of the life-forms specter shows domination hydrogeophyta forms (HydG), which indicate rather stable aquatic<br />ecosystem. However, the fast spreading of emerged vegetation, particularly in the Carska bara water bodies, signifying necessity<br />of permanent hydro- and biomonitoring.</p><p>Aquatic vegetation mapping as well as latitude and longitude of the sample sites are given in WGS 84 EGM 96 Global. They were<br />established using GPS Geo Explorer 3 Trimble. Field survey were complemented by habitat data derived from aerial photographs<br />or satellite imagery.<br />Following aquatic phytocenoses have been recorded:<br />1. Lemno-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae W.Koch 1926<br />2. Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae Slavnic 1956<br />3. Lemno minoris &ndash; Utricularietum vulgaris (So&oacute;) 28 ex Pass 62<br />4. Wollfietum arhizae Slavnic 1956<br />5. Myriophyllo-Potametum Soo 1934<br />facies sa Potamogeton perfoliatus<br />facies sa Potamogeton crispus<br />facies sa Potamogeton pectinatus<br />6. Ceratophylletum demersi So&oacute; 1934<br />7. Hydrochari-Nyphoidetum peltatae Slavnic 56<br />facies Hydrocharis morsus-ranae<br />facies Nymphoides peltata<br />8. Nymphaeetum albo-luteae Nowinski 1928<br />subas. nymphaetosum (Tim&aacute;r 54) Karpati 61<br />9.Trapetum natantis Muller et Gors 1960<br />10.Scirpo-Phragmitetum W.Koch 1926<br />subass: phragmitetosum Schmalle 1939<br />subass: schoenoplectetosum lacustris So&oacute; 1957<br />subass: typhaetosum (angustifoliae-latifoliae) So&oacute;1957</p>en
dc.language.isosr (latin script)-
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectmakrofite, akvatične fitocenoze, GISsr
dc.subjectmacrophytes, aquatic vegetation, Stari Begej, Carska Bara, GIS mappingen
dc.titleEkologija i distribucija akvatičnih fitocenoza Carske bare u GIS tematskom modelusr
dc.titleThe Ecology and Distribution of Aquatic Vegetation of Carska Bara Water Body in GIS Thematic Imageryen
dc.source.institutionPrirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.grantfulltextnone-čki fakultet, Departman za biologiju i ekologiju-čki fakultet-
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