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dc.contributor.advisorLalić Branislava-
dc.contributor.advisorPavkov-Hrvojević Milica-
dc.contributor.advisorTermonia Piet-
dc.contributor.advisorVan Schaeybroeck Bert-
dc.contributor.authorPetrić Mina-
dc.contributor.otherDjurdjevic Vladimir-
dc.contributor.otherBalaž Igor-
dc.contributor.otherHamdi Rafiq-
dc.contributor.otherHendrickx Guy-
dc.description.abstract<p>Meteorological&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; have&nbsp; a&nbsp; significant influence on the time of occurrence, abundance and activity of the mosquito vector. In the current context of climate change, it is of great importance to assess the&nbsp; impact&nbsp; of&nbsp; shifts&nbsp; in&nbsp; climatic&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; on&nbsp; the suitability for the establishment and annual activity of&nbsp; the&nbsp; vector&nbsp; species.&nbsp; Moreover,&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; the variability&nbsp; of&nbsp; meteorological&nbsp; elements&nbsp; and&nbsp; their extremes&nbsp; can&nbsp; generate&nbsp; unexpected&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; the mosquito&nbsp; vector&nbsp; population&nbsp; which&nbsp; in&nbsp; turn&nbsp; have&nbsp; an&nbsp; important effect on human health. One of the ways to put&nbsp; these&nbsp; causes&nbsp; and&nbsp; effects&nbsp; into&nbsp; perspective&nbsp; is&nbsp; to simulate the activity of the vector within a processbased framework which allows for the analysis of the contribution of individual factors on the different life stages of the vector. Such analysis is presented by use of&nbsp; sophisticated&nbsp; dynamical&nbsp; models&nbsp; simulating&nbsp; the characteristics of the biological population, forced by observed&nbsp; meteorological&nbsp; data,&nbsp; capturing&nbsp; the&nbsp; localmicro-environment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; vector&nbsp; habitat,&nbsp; and validated by the observed entomology.Numerical&nbsp; models&nbsp; are&nbsp; being&nbsp; developed&nbsp; to&nbsp; model vector&nbsp; population&nbsp; dynamics&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; expected circulation of the virus within a closed system. Two modelling&nbsp; approaches&nbsp; are&nbsp; standardly&nbsp; applied&nbsp; to modelling vector population dynamics: Mechanistic and&nbsp; Stochastic.&nbsp; The&nbsp; advantage&nbsp; of&nbsp; mechanistic&nbsp; over<br />statistical&nbsp; models&nbsp; is&nbsp; that&nbsp; they&nbsp; can&nbsp; provide&nbsp; a deterministic&nbsp; framework&nbsp; allowing&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; isolated evaluation of each input parameter and their effect on the modelled system. Mechanistic dynamical models are used to describe the biophysical processes or part<br />of&nbsp; the&nbsp; process&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; response&nbsp; to&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; the meteorological conditions.<br />The&nbsp; work&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; can&nbsp; be summarized as follows: (i) Analysis of the association between&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; important&nbsp; abiotic&nbsp; drivers influencing the population dynamics, annual activity and&nbsp; time&nbsp; of&nbsp; occurrence&nbsp; of Culex&nbsp; pipiens and Aedes aegypti;&nbsp; (ii)&nbsp; Identifying&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; important&nbsp; climatic factors and model settings as a function of climatic characteristics of the study region; (iii) Modelling the vector population dynamics and stability analysis of the&nbsp; dynamical&nbsp; system&nbsp; (iv)&nbsp; Analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; different verification techniques and implications in terms of model&nbsp; application;&nbsp; (v)&nbsp; Feasibility&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of<br />improving&nbsp; the&nbsp; model&nbsp; with&nbsp; a&nbsp; Land-Surface Parametrization scheme and short-range forecasting of pest population dynamics.</p>en
dc.description.abstract<p>Meteorolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; uslovi&nbsp; bitno&nbsp; utiču&nbsp; na&nbsp; vreme&nbsp; pojave, brojnost&nbsp; vektora&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovu&nbsp; aktivnost.&nbsp; U&nbsp; uslovima evidentnih promene klime, od ogromne je važnosti sagledati&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; očekivanih&nbsp; promena&nbsp; klime&nbsp; na pogodnost&nbsp; uslova&nbsp; na&nbsp; pojavu&nbsp; izabranih&nbsp; vektora.<br />Takodje, značajne promene kolebanja meteorolo&scaron;kih elemenata&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; vi&scaron;egodi&scaron;nji&nbsp; prosek&nbsp; i&nbsp; sve če&scaron;će pojave nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika dovode do neočekivanog pona&scaron;anja populacije komarca &scaron;to značajno&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na&nbsp; kvalitet&nbsp; života&nbsp; i&nbsp; zdravlje&nbsp; ljudi. Jedini&nbsp; način&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; sagledaju&nbsp; uzroci&nbsp; i&nbsp; posledice navedenih pojava zasniva se na simulaciji aktivnosti i&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; vektora&nbsp; uz&nbsp; mogućnost&nbsp; testiranja&nbsp; uticaja svakog&nbsp; pojedinačnog&nbsp; faktora.&nbsp; Ovu&nbsp; mogućnost pružaju samo visoko sofistikovani dinamički modeli koju su pro&scaron;li proces kalibracije i validacije zasnovan<br />na izmerenim vrednostima meteorolo&scaron;kih elemenata i karakteristika biolo&scaron;ke populacije.<br />Sofistikovani&nbsp; modeli&nbsp; za&nbsp; simulaciju&nbsp; dinamike populacije vektora i očekivane cirkulacije vektorskih transmisivnih bolesti se koriste sa ciljem modeliranja potencijalnog rizika od zaraze i epidemije. Modeli zasimulaciju dinamike vektora mogu da se podele na dve&nbsp; glavne&nbsp; grupe:&nbsp; Mehanističke&nbsp; i&nbsp; Statističke. Prednost&nbsp; mehanističkih&nbsp; modela&nbsp; nad&nbsp; statističkim&nbsp; je &scaron;to&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; koriste&nbsp; za&nbsp; evaluaciju&nbsp; uticaja izolovanog&nbsp; faktora&nbsp; na&nbsp; dinamički&nbsp; sistem&nbsp; i odgovarajuće promene brojnosti unutar svake faze u razvoju&nbsp; vektora.&nbsp; Mehanistički&nbsp; dinamički&nbsp; sistemi&nbsp; se koriste&nbsp; kako&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; opisao&nbsp; mehanizam&nbsp; biofizičkog procesa&nbsp; ili&nbsp; dela&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; u&nbsp; zavisnosti&nbsp; od&nbsp; forsirajuće veličine.<br />Predmet&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; radu&nbsp; jeste identifikovanje&nbsp; najznačajnijih&nbsp; biolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; i&nbsp; fizičkih procesa&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; odgovarajućih&nbsp; faktora&nbsp; koji&nbsp; utiču&nbsp; na brojnost i aktivnost vektora roda Aedes i Culex. Ciljevi istraživanja mogu da se sumiraju na sledeći način: (i)<br />analiza najznačajnijih meteorolo&scaron;kih parametara koji utiču na vreme pojave, brojnost i aktivnost vektora Aedes&nbsp; i&nbsp; Culex&nbsp; roda;&nbsp; (ii)&nbsp; definisanje&nbsp; najznačajnijih klimatskih&nbsp; faktora&nbsp; i&nbsp; stepena&nbsp; osetljivosti&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; na njih; (iii) modeliranje dinamike populacije vektora i analiza&nbsp; stabilnosti&nbsp; dinamičkog&nbsp; sistema;&nbsp;&nbsp; (iv) verifikacija&nbsp; i&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; verifikacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; validacije dinamičkog&nbsp; modela;&nbsp; (v)&nbsp; kratkoročna&nbsp; prognoza dinamike&nbsp; populacije&nbsp; komarca&nbsp; i&nbsp; formulacija hidrolo&scaron;kog modula upotrebom SURFEX povr&scaron;inske<br />&scaron;eme sa ECOCLIMAP fiziogeografskim podacima.</p>en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectVector population dynamics modelling, Aedes aegypti, Culex pipiensen
dc.subjectModeliranje dinamike populacije vektora, Aedes aegypti, Culex pipienssr
dc.titleModelling the influence of meteorological conditions on mosquito vector population dynamics (Diptera, Culicidae)en
dc.titleModeliranje uticaja meteoroloških uslova na dinamiku populacije komarca vektora (Diptera: Culicidae)sr
dc.source.institutionPrirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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