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dc.contributor.advisorKlašnja-Milićević Aleksandra-
dc.contributor.authorIlić Silvia-
dc.contributor.otherIvanović Mirjana-
dc.contributor.otherKlašnja-Milićević Aleksandra-
dc.contributor.otherGajić Olivera-
dc.contributor.otherMandić Milinko-
dc.description.abstract<p>Cilj&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; obuhvatio&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizu&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; primene&nbsp; informacionokomunikacionih&nbsp; i&nbsp; multimedijalnih&nbsp; tehnologija&nbsp; i&nbsp; Interneta&nbsp; u&nbsp; izvođenju&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; u osnovniim &scaron;kolama, kao i procenu načina na koji ove tehnologije mogu pobolj&scaron;ati proces učenja.&nbsp; Istraženi&nbsp; su&nbsp; stavovi&nbsp; i&nbsp; mi&scaron;ljenja&nbsp; nastavnika&nbsp; i&nbsp; učenika&nbsp; o&nbsp; njihovoj&nbsp; upotrebi&nbsp; IKT-a, multimedijalne&nbsp; tehnologije&nbsp; i&nbsp; Interneta.&nbsp; Posebno&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; procena&nbsp; nastavnika&nbsp; o upotrebi&nbsp; IKT-a&nbsp; u&nbsp; njihovoj&nbsp; pripremi&nbsp; za&nbsp; nastavu&nbsp; u&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; oblastima&nbsp; nauke,&nbsp; jezika&nbsp; i humanističkih nauka.<br />Uvođenje&nbsp; informacione&nbsp; i&nbsp; komunikacione&nbsp; tehnologije&nbsp; zahteva&nbsp; novi&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugačiji&nbsp; pristup&nbsp; i<br />kompetencije&nbsp; nastavnika.&nbsp; Nastavnici&nbsp; moraju&nbsp; imati&nbsp; dobro&nbsp; opremljene&nbsp; računarske<br />laboratorije, dostupan internet, visokokvalitetni obrazovni softver, obuku za profesionalni<br />razvoj i snažnu podr&scaron;ku administracije i &scaron;kole.U&nbsp; tezi&nbsp; je&nbsp; prikazano&nbsp; trenutno&nbsp; stanje&nbsp; upotrebe&nbsp; IKT-a&nbsp; među&nbsp; nastavnicima&nbsp; i&nbsp; učenicima&nbsp; u vojvođanskim &scaron;kolama. Cilj je bio da se ukaže na postojeće probleme i nedostatke i da se predloži&nbsp; adekvatno&nbsp; re&scaron;enje&nbsp; za&nbsp; prevazilaženje&nbsp; postojećih&nbsp; problema.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; odgovarajuće tehničke&nbsp; opreme,&nbsp; neophodno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; nastavnicima&nbsp; omogući&nbsp; sticanje&nbsp; potrebnih kompetencija za njeno kori&scaron;ćenje. Nastavnike je takođe potrebno motivisati kako bi vi&scaron;e koristili IKT ne samo u &scaron;koli, već i kod kuće, tokom pripreme materijala za nastavu. Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; ankete&nbsp; koja&nbsp; je&nbsp; sprovedena&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; ove&nbsp; teze&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; u&nbsp; značajnoj&nbsp; meri pomoći pobolj&scaron;anju kvaliteta nastave primenom IKT-a, multimedije i Interneta. Primena IKT-a&nbsp; omogućava&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; planirani&nbsp; nastavni&nbsp; materijal&nbsp; prilagodi&nbsp; realnosti,&nbsp; odnosno različitim&nbsp; nivoima&nbsp; znanja&nbsp; učenika.&nbsp; Stoga&nbsp; bi&nbsp; podučavanje&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; IKT-a&nbsp; trebalo prepoznati&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedan&nbsp; od&nbsp; modernih&nbsp; pristupa&nbsp; koji&nbsp; ima&nbsp; adekvatnu&nbsp; ulogu&nbsp; u&nbsp; obrazovnom sistemu.</p>sr
dc.description.abstract<p>This&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; aimed&nbsp; to&nbsp; examine&nbsp; the&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; applying&nbsp; information&nbsp; and<br />communication technologies,&nbsp; multimedia&nbsp; and the Internet in primary schools&rsquo; lessons, as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; to&nbsp; evaluate&nbsp; how&nbsp; these&nbsp; technologies&nbsp; can&nbsp; improve&nbsp; the&nbsp; learning&nbsp; process.&nbsp; The attitudes and opinion of teachers and learners on their use of ICT, multimedia technology and Internet was investigated. Teachers&#39; assessment of the use of ICT in their preparation for&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; in&nbsp; various&nbsp; fields&nbsp; of&nbsp; science,&nbsp; language,&nbsp; and&nbsp; humanities&nbsp; was&nbsp; separately analysed. The&nbsp; introduction&nbsp; of&nbsp; information&nbsp; and communication&nbsp; technology&nbsp; requires&nbsp; a&nbsp; new&nbsp; and different teacher approach, as well as&nbsp; different competencies. In order to enable a good education&nbsp; to&nbsp; learners,&nbsp; teachers&nbsp; need&nbsp; to&nbsp; have&nbsp; well&nbsp; equipped&nbsp; computer&nbsp; labs,&nbsp; available Internet,&nbsp; high-quality educational&nbsp; software,&nbsp; professional&nbsp; development&nbsp; trainings,&nbsp; and strong support by the administration and the school.The research of this thesis strives to give a picture of the current state of ICT use among teachers&nbsp; and&nbsp; students&nbsp; in&nbsp; schools&nbsp; in&nbsp; Vojvodina,&nbsp; to&nbsp; point&nbsp; out&nbsp; the&nbsp; existing&nbsp; problems&nbsp; and shortcomings,&nbsp; and&nbsp; to&nbsp; try&nbsp; to&nbsp; give&nbsp; an adequate&nbsp; proposal&nbsp; of&nbsp; solutions&nbsp; for&nbsp; overcoming existing problems. It can be described&nbsp; as a need and desire to define the changes that have to&nbsp; be&nbsp; made&nbsp; in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; improve&nbsp; the&nbsp; current&nbsp; situation&nbsp; and&nbsp; to&nbsp; eliminate&nbsp; existing shortcomings&nbsp; regarding&nbsp; the&nbsp; implementation&nbsp; of&nbsp; ICT&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; Internet&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; teaching process. In addition to appropriate technical equipment it is necessary to provide teachers with required competency to use it. Teachers need to be motivated to increasingly use ICT not only in&nbsp; school but also at home, while preparing teaching material.The obtained results of the survey conducted within this thesis can greatly help improving the&nbsp; quality&nbsp; of&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; using&nbsp; ICT,&nbsp; multimedia&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; Internet.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; very&nbsp; important&nbsp; to adapt&nbsp; the&nbsp; process&nbsp; of&nbsp; acquiring&nbsp; knowledge&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; learners,&nbsp; not&nbsp; to&nbsp; require&nbsp; the&nbsp; learner to adapt to the process. The application of ICT allows the planned material to be adapted&nbsp; to reality, that is, different levels of learners&#39; knowledge, making sure that learners can more easily learn new material. Teaching using ICT should therefore be recognized as one of the modern approaches that has its adequate role in the educational system.</p>en
dc.language.isosr (latin script)-
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectInformation and communications technology ICT, education, teachers, pupils,innovationen
dc.subjectInformaciono-komunikacione tehnologije (IKT), nastava, nastavnici, učenici, Intermet, inovacijesr
dc.titleUse of information technology in teaching - attitudes and opinions of teachers and studentsen
dc.titleUpotreba informacionih tehnologija u nastavi-stavovi i mišljenja nastavnika i učenikasr
dc.source.institutionPrirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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