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dc.contributor.advisorVukov Dragana-
dc.contributor.advisorČarni Andraž-
dc.contributor.authorĆuk Mirjana-
dc.contributor.otherIgić Ružica-
dc.contributor.otherVukov Dragana-
dc.contributor.otherČarni Andraž-
dc.contributor.otherRadulović Snežana-
dc.contributor.otherMatevski Vlado-
dc.description.abstract<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; flora&nbsp; i&nbsp; vegetacija&nbsp; Deliblatske pe&scaron;čare. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje&nbsp; recentnog stanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; osnovnih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; flore&nbsp; Deliblatske pe&scaron;čare,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; dinamike&nbsp; flore&nbsp; Deliblatske pe&scaron;čare u poslednjih 220 godina. Jedan od ciljeva je bila analiza sukcesivnih promena u flori i vegetaciji Deliblatske&nbsp; pe&scaron;čare&nbsp; i&nbsp; predikcija&nbsp; njihovog&nbsp; pravca&nbsp; i kvaliteta,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; i sintaksonomske &scaron;eme vegetacije Deliblatske pe&scaron;čare uz klasifikaciju problematičnih vegetacijskih grupa u &scaron;irem aspektu- na nivou čitave Srbije, ali i Pontskog i Panonskog regiona. Terenska istraživanja su vr&scaron;ena u periodu&nbsp; 2012-2018&nbsp; godine.&nbsp; Floristički&nbsp; podaci&nbsp; su uzimani&nbsp; na&nbsp; istim&nbsp; lokalitetima&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; fitocenolo&scaron;ki snimci.&nbsp; Ukupno&nbsp; je&nbsp; uzeto&nbsp; 282&nbsp; fitocenolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; snimka metodom po Braun-Blankeu. Za florističku analizu je<br />obrađena&nbsp; 301&nbsp; referenca,&nbsp; a&nbsp; na&nbsp; terenu&nbsp; su&nbsp; prikupljeni podaci&nbsp; za&nbsp; 440&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; od&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; je&nbsp; 6&nbsp; po&nbsp; prvi&nbsp; put registrovano na ovom području. U florističku analizu je uključeno&nbsp; ukupno prikupljenih&nbsp; 9.887&nbsp; podataka. U radu je dat floristički pregled u vidu spiska taksona koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; zabeleženi&nbsp; na&nbsp; Deliblatskoj&nbsp; pe&scaron;čari&nbsp; (ima&nbsp; ih 1072),&nbsp; sa&nbsp; lokalitetima&nbsp; na&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; su&nbsp; do&nbsp; sada pronađeni,&nbsp; obeleženi&nbsp; su&nbsp; prvi&nbsp; nalazi&nbsp; za&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; i<br />podvrste, a obeležene su i vrste koje su potvrđene na terenskim&nbsp; istraživanjima&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; ove&nbsp; disertacije. Floristička&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; je&nbsp; realizovana&nbsp; klasičnim numeričkim&nbsp; metodama,&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; prezentacije najzastupljenijih&nbsp; familija,&nbsp; rodova,&nbsp; životnih&nbsp; formi&nbsp; i<br />horotipova.&nbsp; Predstavljene&nbsp; su&nbsp; endemične,&nbsp; reliktne&nbsp; i ugrožene&nbsp; i&nbsp; ivnazivne&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; Pe&scaron;čare.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; Deliblatskoj pe&scaron;čari je zabeleženo 16 endemskih, 22 reliktnih, 49 strogo&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih,&nbsp; 8&nbsp; iz&nbsp; Crvenje&nbsp; knjige&nbsp; flore&nbsp; Srbije&nbsp; i 54&nbsp; invazivna&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; Dinamika&nbsp; florističkih istraživanja&nbsp; je&nbsp; predstavljena&nbsp; analizom&nbsp;&nbsp; literaturnih podataka i dinamike istraživanja ovog područja, a u skladu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; značajnim&nbsp; dru&scaron;tvenim&nbsp; promenama područja,&nbsp; od&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; se&nbsp; kao&nbsp; najznačajniji&nbsp; momenat izdvaja&nbsp; početak&nbsp; po&scaron;umljavanja&nbsp; Pe&scaron;čare.&nbsp; U&nbsp; pregledu vegetacije&nbsp; Deliblatske&nbsp; pe&scaron;čare&nbsp; su&nbsp; predstavljeni najznačajniji vegetacijski tipovi ovog područja, date su&nbsp; fitocenolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; tabele&nbsp; snimaka&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; za&nbsp; ove zajednice&nbsp; uzeti&nbsp; u&nbsp; toku&nbsp; terenskog&nbsp; istraživanja, fotografije zajednica i mape sa tačkama na kojima su uzimani&nbsp; snimci.&nbsp; U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; pregleda&nbsp; vegetacije Deliblatske pe&scaron;čare, pored već poznatih vegetacijskih jedinica,&nbsp; po&nbsp; prvi&nbsp; put&nbsp; su&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; tri&nbsp; asocijacije autohtone&nbsp; vegetacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; dve&nbsp; sastojine&nbsp; antropogenih zajednica.&nbsp; U&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; razre&scaron;avanja&nbsp; problematike klasifikacije&nbsp; pe&scaron;čarske&nbsp; vegetacije,&nbsp; prikupljeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; i<br />analizirani fitocenolo&scaron;ki podaci za čitavu Srbiju, ali i ceo&nbsp; Panonski&nbsp; i&nbsp; Pontski&nbsp; basen.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; ovaj&nbsp; način&nbsp; je detaljno&nbsp; razja&scaron;njena&nbsp; klasifikacija&nbsp; psamofitskih zajednica&nbsp; Deliblatske&nbsp; pe&scaron;čare&nbsp; do&nbsp; nivoa subasocijacija. Dinamika&nbsp; vegetacije&nbsp; Deliblatske&nbsp; pe&scaron;čare&nbsp; je analizirana&nbsp; praćenjem&nbsp; sukcesivnih&nbsp; stadijuma obrastanja&nbsp; peska&nbsp; i&nbsp; zatvaranjem&nbsp; sklopa&nbsp; sastojina. Monitoring je podrazumevao i pedolo&scaron;ke analize na<br />na&nbsp; lokalitetima&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; vegetacijskih&nbsp; tipova.&nbsp; U okviru&nbsp; praćenja&nbsp; dinamike&nbsp; vegetacije,&nbsp; realizovana&nbsp; su istraživanja&nbsp; na&nbsp; područjima&nbsp; na&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; se&nbsp; vr&scaron;i revitalizacija stepskih sastojina. Rezultati ukazuju da je&nbsp; su&nbsp; revitalizacijom&nbsp; postignuti&nbsp; dobri&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; koje treba&nbsp; dalje&nbsp; usmeravati&nbsp; i&nbsp; korigovati&nbsp; u&nbsp; pravcu postizanja&nbsp; optimalnih&nbsp; uslova&nbsp; za&nbsp; opstanak&nbsp; i&nbsp; razvoj stepske, ali i drugih tipova vegetacije.<br />Rezultati&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; daju&nbsp; dobru osnovu za dalja floristička i vegetacijska istraživanja Deliblatske&nbsp; pe&scaron;čare,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih,&nbsp; sličnih,&nbsp; prirodnih<br />područja&nbsp; i&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; doprinos&nbsp; proučavanju&nbsp; flore&nbsp; i vegetacije Srbije.</p>sr
dc.description.abstract<p>In this research was analyzed flora and vegetation of the&nbsp; Deliblato&nbsp; Sands.&nbsp; The&nbsp; aim&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; study&nbsp; was&nbsp; to determine the recent state and basic characteristics of the flora of Deliblato Sands, as well as to analyze the dynamics&nbsp; of&nbsp; flora&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; last&nbsp; 220&nbsp; years.&nbsp; One&nbsp; of&nbsp; the aims&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp; analyze&nbsp; the&nbsp; successive&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; the flora&nbsp; and&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; of&nbsp; Deliblato&nbsp; Sands&nbsp; and&nbsp; the prediction of their direction and&nbsp; quality. Also, one of the&nbsp; goals&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; and syntaxonomical&nbsp; scheme&nbsp; of&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; through classification&nbsp; of problematic vegetation groups in the wider&nbsp; aspect&nbsp; -&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; whole&nbsp; Serbia,&nbsp; but also of Pontic and Pannonian region. Field&nbsp; research were&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; period&nbsp; 2012-2018.&nbsp; Floristic data were taken at the same sites as phytocenological plots.&nbsp; In&nbsp; total,&nbsp; 282&nbsp; phytosociological&nbsp; relev&eacute;s&nbsp; were taken&nbsp; using&nbsp; the&nbsp; Braun-Blanquet&nbsp; method.&nbsp; 301 different&nbsp; references&nbsp; were&nbsp; processed&nbsp; for&nbsp; floristic analysis&nbsp; and&nbsp; data&nbsp; for&nbsp; 440&nbsp;&nbsp; species&nbsp; were&nbsp; collected&nbsp; in the field&nbsp; (6 of them&nbsp; were registered for the first time in&nbsp; this&nbsp; area).&nbsp; A&nbsp; total&nbsp; of&nbsp; 9,887&nbsp; data&nbsp; collected&nbsp; were included in the floristic analysis. The&nbsp; research&nbsp; gives a&nbsp; floristic&nbsp; overview&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; form&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; list&nbsp; of&nbsp; taxa recorded&nbsp; in&nbsp; Deliblato&nbsp; Sandst&nbsp; (there&nbsp; are&nbsp; 1072&nbsp; taxa), with the localities where they have been&nbsp; found so far, and&nbsp; the first findings for species and subspecies are marked, as well as the&nbsp; species confirmed in the field research&nbsp; within&nbsp; this&nbsp; dissertation.&nbsp; Floristic&nbsp; analysis was performed using classical numerical methods, in order&nbsp; to&nbsp; present&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; represented&nbsp; families, genera,&nbsp; life&nbsp; forms&nbsp; and&nbsp; chorotypes.&nbsp; Endemic,&nbsp; relict and&nbsp; endangered&nbsp; and&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; species&nbsp; of&nbsp; Sandstone are&nbsp; presented.&nbsp; 16&nbsp; endemic,&nbsp; 22&nbsp; relicts,&nbsp; 49&nbsp; strictly protected, 8 from the Red Data Book of Serbian flora and 54 invasive taxa have been recorded in Deliblato Sands.&nbsp; The&nbsp; dynamics&nbsp; of&nbsp; floristic&nbsp; research&nbsp; is represented&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; literary&nbsp; data&nbsp; and&nbsp; the dynamics&nbsp; of&nbsp; research&nbsp; activities&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; area.&nbsp; In accordance with the significant social changes of the area,&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; noted&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; significant&nbsp; event&nbsp; was the&nbsp; beginning&nbsp; of&nbsp; afforestation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Sand.&nbsp; The vegetation&nbsp; overview&nbsp; of the Deliblato&nbsp; Sands presents the&nbsp; most&nbsp; significant&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; types&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; area, provides&nbsp; phytosociological&nbsp; tables&nbsp; of&nbsp; relev&eacute;s&nbsp; takenduring&nbsp; this&nbsp; research,&nbsp; photographs&nbsp; of&nbsp; communities and&nbsp; maps&nbsp; with&nbsp; points&nbsp; where&nbsp; the&nbsp; recordings&nbsp; were taken.&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; already&nbsp; known&nbsp; vegetation units,&nbsp; within&nbsp; the&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; review&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Deliblat Sandstone,&nbsp; three&nbsp; associations&nbsp; of&nbsp; indigenous vegetation&nbsp; and&nbsp; two&nbsp; stands&nbsp; of&nbsp; anthropogenic communities&nbsp; were&nbsp; presented&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; first&nbsp; time.&nbsp; In order to solve the problem of classification of sandy vegetation, phytocenological data were collected and analyzed for the whole Republic of Serbia, as well as the&nbsp; entire&nbsp; Pannonian&nbsp; and&nbsp; Pontic&nbsp; basin.&nbsp; In&nbsp; this&nbsp; way, the classification of the psammophytic&nbsp; communities of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Deliblato&nbsp; Sands&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; subassociations was clarified. The vegetation dynamics of the Deliblato Sands were analyzed&nbsp; by&nbsp; monitoring&nbsp; successive&nbsp; stages&nbsp; of&nbsp; sand and&nbsp; steppe&nbsp; vegetation.&nbsp; Monitoring&nbsp; also&nbsp; included pedological&nbsp; analyzes&nbsp; at&nbsp; sites&nbsp; of&nbsp; different&nbsp; vegetation types.&nbsp; As&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; monitoring&nbsp; of&nbsp; vegetation dynamics,&nbsp; research&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out&nbsp; in&nbsp; areas where steppe stands are being revitalized. The results indicate&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; revitalization&nbsp; has&nbsp; achieved&nbsp; good results that need to be further directed and corrected in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; achieve&nbsp; optimal&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; for&nbsp; the survival&nbsp; and&nbsp; development&nbsp; of&nbsp; steppe&nbsp; and&nbsp; other vegetation types. The&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; provide&nbsp; a good&nbsp; basis&nbsp; for&nbsp; further&nbsp; floristic&nbsp; and&nbsp; vegetation research&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Deliblato&nbsp; sands,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; other similar natural areas and a significant contribution to the study of the flora and vegetation of Serbia.</p>en
dc.language.isosr (latin script)-
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectDeliblato sands, sandy vegetation, diversity of flora, vegetation classification, vegetation successionen
dc.subjectDeliblatska peščara, peščarska vegetacija, diverzitet flore, klasifikacija vegetacije, sukcesija vegetacijesr
dc.titleStatus and temporal dynamics of the flora and vegetation of the Deliblaot Sandsen
dc.titleStatus i vremenska dinamika flore i vegetacije Deliblatske peščaresr
dc.source.institutionPrirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-čki fakultet, Departman za biologiju i ekologiju-čki fakultet-
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