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dc.contributor.advisorDalmacija Božo-
dc.contributor.authorFridrich Beata-
dc.contributor.otherRončević Srđan-
dc.contributor.otherDalmacija Božo-
dc.contributor.otherKlašnja Mile-
dc.contributor.otherAgbaba Jasmina-
dc.contributor.otherKrčmar Dejan-
dc.description.abstract<p>Cilj ovog rada bio je da se determini&scaron;e stepen kontaminacije podzemne vode prve izdani,&nbsp;odnosno vode za piće na lokacijama svinjogojskih farmi, koje koriste tehnologiju tečnog&nbsp;izđubrivanja i za skladi&scaron;tenje otpadnih voda zemljane lagune bez hidroizolacije.&nbsp;U cilju praćenja parametara u plitkim podzemnim vodama i nivoa podzemnih voda (NPV)&nbsp;izbu&scaron;eno je 10 pijezometara na tri farme, dok su parametri vode za piće praćeni iz bu&scaron;enih&nbsp;bunara.</p><p>Ispitivanje plitke podzemne vode se fokusiralo na praćenje fizičko-hemijskih parametara koje&nbsp;karakteri&scaron;u otpadne vode sa svinjskih farmi, zatim na organske, suspendovane i suve materije&nbsp;kao i na neorganske i organske ksenobiotike.&nbsp;</p><p>Rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta otpadnih voda pre iposle sistema laguna sugeri&scaron;u na efikasno&nbsp;preči&scaron;ćavanje voda u lagunama pod prirodnim uslovima. Prolaskom otpadne vode kroz sistem&nbsp;laguna dolazi do redukovanja količine ukupne suve materije (53,2-65,4%), suspendovane&nbsp;materije (94,2-96,6%), taložive materije (97,8-99,5%), hemijske potro&scaron;nje kiseonika (HPK)&nbsp;(81,8-87,5%), biohemijske potro&scaron;nje kiseonika (BPK)(78,2-90,8%), sulfida (S<sup>2-</sup>) (40,1-69,0%), fenola isparljivog vodenom parom (82,1-96,1%), ukupnog P (25,6-48,4%), ukupnog&nbsp;N (46,6-50,7%), organskog N &nbsp;po Kjeldalu (ONK) (52,1-62,0%), NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N (24,4-40,7%), NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>-N (28,7-53,2%), Cu (67,3-85,1%), Zn (76,0-89,8%), Co (40,8-44,9%), Cr (27,0-35,7%), Mn (53,6-86,6%), Fe (53,3-72,1%). Takođe, rezultati dokazuju da su se tokom prirodnog preči&scaron;ćavanja metali, kao najznačajnija grupa neorganskih ksenobiotika, istaložili u sedimentu na dnu laguna ili su se vezali za čvrste čestice stajnjaka prilikom procesa separacije.</p><p>Ovo može biti pretnja akumulacije te&scaron;kih metala u zemlji&scaron;tu, ukoliko se čvrsti stajnjaka, sediment iz laguna i otpadna voda neadekvat koristeza fertirigaciju zemlji&scaron;ta. Tokom istraživanja su dokazane velike varijacije koncentracije parametara plitke podzemne vode na lokacijama farmi. Koncentracije NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N u vodi referentnih pijezometara su se kretale između 0,02-1,59 mg/l, dok su u pijezometrima poredlaguna na jednoj farmi izmerene količine i do 52,6 mg/l. Takođe, količina ukupnog Nu referentnim pijezometrima je bila između 0,16-22,4 mg/l, dok u pijezometrima pored izvora kontaminacije koncentracija je dostigla i 105,5 mg/l. Korelacije između električneprovodljivosti (Ep) i Cl<sup>-</sup>, SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>, Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, odnosno između ukupnog N i NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N, NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>-N i ONK, zatim raznih metala u plitkim podzemnim vodama ukazuju na njihovo zajedničko poreklo iz otpadnih voda farmi.</p><p>Za vreme istraživanja detektovano je 223 organskih jedinjenja u plitkim podzemnim vodama&nbsp;na farmama sa različitom frekvencijom pojavljivanja. Najče&scaron;će su detektovana jedinjenja koja&nbsp;se koriste kao plastifikatori, zatim komponente sredstava za ličnu higijenu i komponente u&nbsp;kozmetičkim preparatima, polutanti iz proizvodnje guma, boja i lakova, zagađujuće materije&nbsp;iz naftnih derivata, policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici (PAH), komponente iz konzervansa&nbsp;u dermatolo&scaron;kim i farmaceutskim proizvodima. Samo su povremeno detektovani organski&nbsp;ksenobiotici koji potiču iz sredstava za dezinfekciju, lekova ili pesticida, a retko su&nbsp;identifikovani i metaboliti nastali usled degradacije pesticida.&nbsp;</p><p>Na osnovu napred navedenog može se zaključiti da izvor većine organskih ksenobiotika&nbsp;različitih struktura i njihovih metabolita u plitkim podzemnim vodama nije &nbsp;stočna farma.&nbsp;&Scaron;irenje zagađenja na ispitivanim farmama je lokalnog karaktera.</p><p>Takođe, dobijeni rezultati jasno pokazuju da za vreme istraživanja nije do&scaron;lo do degradacije kvaliteta pijaće vode u dubljim slojevima zemlje i da koncentracije ni jednog parametara vode za piće nisu pokazale značajnu varijaciju u ispitivanom periodu. Ovo se obja&scaron;njava prisustvom sloja gline debljine 4-6 m između lagunai zone kaptiranja pijaće vode. Budući da je voda u neprestanom kruženju, zbog čega polutanti detektovani u ovom radu u plitkim podzemnim vodama mogu dospeti i u izvore vode za piće u dubljim slojevima zemlje, dalja istraživanja na ovom polju su od krucijalnog značaja.&nbsp;</p>sr
dc.description.abstract<p>Тhe objective of this study was to determine the degree of contamination of the shallow&nbsp;groundwater and the quality of drinking water, on the locations of pig farms which are&nbsp;employing liquid manure cleaning systems, in lagoons without hydroisolation for storing&nbsp;wastewaters.</p><p>For the purpose of monitoring the quality of shallow groundwater and its level, ten&nbsp;<br />piezometers were installed on three pig farms, whereas the quality of drinking water was&nbsp;followed using samples from the local wells.</p><p>The investigation of shallow groundwater was focused on monitoring of physico-chemical&nbsp;parameters characterizing pig farms waste water, then on the organic, suspended and dry&nbsp;matter, as well as inorganic and organic xenobiotics.&nbsp;</p><p>Results of waste water quality investigations before and after the lagoon system suggest the&nbsp;efficient purification of water in lagoons under natural conditions. Waste water by transiting&nbsp;through lagoon system reduces the amount of total dry matter (53.2-65.4%), suspended matter&nbsp;(94.2-96.6%), settled matter (97.8-99.5%), &nbsp;chemicaloxygen demand (COD) (81.8-87.5%),&nbsp;biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (78.2-90.8%), sulfides (S<sup>2-</sup>) (40.1-69.0%), phenols&nbsp;volatile with water vapor (82.1-96.1%), total P (25.6-48.4%), total N (46.6-50.7%), organic N&nbsp;by Kjeldahl (ONK) (52.1-62.0%), NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N (24.4-40.7%), NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>-N (28.7-53.2%), Cu (67.3-85.1%), Zn (76.0-89.8%), Co (40.8-44.9%), Cr (27.0-35.7%), Mn (53.6-86.6%), Fe (53.3-72.1%). The results also show that during natural purification metals as the most significant&nbsp;group &nbsp;of inorganic xenobiotics, settle in sediment&nbsp; in the bed of the lagoons or adsorbed to&nbsp;<br />solid particles of manure during separation process. This may cause a threat by &nbsp;accumulation&nbsp;of heavy metals to soil, in case the solid manure,&nbsp; sludge from lagoons &nbsp;and waste water are&nbsp;inadequately used for soil fertilization.</p><p>During the investigation large variations in the parameters concentration of shallow&nbsp;groundwater on the locations of the farms are proven. The concentrations of NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N in water&nbsp;of the reference piezometers ranged between 0.02 and 1.59 mg/l, while in the piezometers&nbsp;closed to the lagoons on one farm they were up to 52.6 mg/l. Also, the content of total N in&nbsp;the reference piezometers was between 0.16 and 22.4mg/l, while in the piezometers close to&nbsp;the source of contamination it reached 105.5 mg/l.&nbsp; The correlations between electrical&nbsp;conductivity (EC) and Cl<sup>-</sup>, SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>, Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, between total N and NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N, NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>-N, and ONK&nbsp;and various metals in the shallow groundwater, indicate their common origin from farm waste&nbsp;waters.</p><p>During the investigation 223 organic compounds was&nbsp; detected in shallow roundwater on&nbsp;farms with different frequencies of appearance. Mostly detected are compounds used as&nbsp;plasticizers, then components of substances for personal hygiene and components in cosmetic&nbsp;preparations, pollutants from rubber, paints and varnishes production, pollutants from fuel&nbsp;derivatives, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), components from preserving agents in&nbsp;dermatological and pharmaceutical products. Organicxenobiotics originating from&nbsp;disinfectant, pharmaceuticals or pesticides are only occasionally detected and rarely identified&nbsp;are metabolites resulting from the degradation of pesticides.</p><p>Based on the foregoing it can be concluded that thesource of the most organic xenobiotics of&nbsp;different structures and their metabolites in shallow groundwater is not pig farm. Pollution&nbsp;spreading on investigated farms is of a local character.</p><p>Also, obtained results clearly indicate that there&nbsp; was no degradation of the quality of the&nbsp;drinking water in the deeper layers of soil, and none of the drinking water quality parameters&nbsp;showed significant variation during the investigation period. This is explained by the presence&nbsp;of 4-6 m thick clay layer between the lagoon and the drinking water aquifer.</p><p>Since water is constantly cycling, causing pollutants detected in this research in shallow&nbsp;groundwater reaching drinking water sources in the&nbsp; deeper layers as well, further research in&nbsp;this area is of crucial importance.</p>en
dc.language.isosr (latin script)-
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectpig farm, wastewater, lagoon, groundwater, xenobiotics, fertirigation, separator, solid manureen
dc.subjectfarma svinja, otpadna voda, laguna, podzemna voda, ksenobiotici, navodnjavanje, separator, čvrsti stajnjaksr
dc.titleEmission of pollution from pig farms and their impact on shallow groundwateren
dc.titleEmisija zagađenja svinjogojskih farmi i njihov uticaj na prvu izdan podzemne vodesr
dc.source.institutionPrirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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