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dc.contributor.advisorTomašević Pilipović Dragana-
dc.contributor.authorSlijepčević Nataša-
dc.contributor.otherDalmacija Božo-
dc.contributor.otherTomašević Pilipović Dragana-
dc.contributor.otherRončević Srđan-
dc.contributor.otherKerkez Đurđa-
dc.contributor.otherDošić Aleksandar-
dc.description.abstract<p>Ekolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; problem&nbsp; svetskih&nbsp; razmera&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; zagađenost&nbsp; sedimenta&nbsp; te&scaron;kim&nbsp; metalima, usled negativnih ekolo&scaron;kih efekata metala na životnu sredinu. Mnoge zemlje i regioni, kao i na&scaron;a zemlja&nbsp; suočavaju&nbsp; se&nbsp; sa&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; problematikom,&nbsp; koja&nbsp; je&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; rasprostranjena&nbsp; usled&nbsp; sve&nbsp; brže urbanizacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; industrijalizacije,&nbsp; a&nbsp; sa&nbsp; sve&nbsp; većom&nbsp; nebrigom&nbsp; usled&nbsp; ispu&scaron;tanja&nbsp; otpadnih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; bez prethodnog&nbsp; preči&scaron;ćavanja&nbsp; u&nbsp; vodotokove.&nbsp; Prilikom&nbsp; promene&nbsp; uslova&nbsp; vodenog&nbsp; ekosistema,&nbsp; može doći do&nbsp; izluživanja&nbsp; metala&nbsp; i &scaron;tetnih efekata na&nbsp; životnu sredinu kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; na zdravlje&nbsp; ljudi. Stoga je remedijacija sedimenata zagađenih metalima ključna aktivnost u okviru procesa potpune sanacije vodenog ekosistema, a ekonomične, efikasne i ekolo&scaron;ki prihvatljive tehnike remedijacije su hitno potrebne&nbsp; i&nbsp; rado&nbsp; primenljive&nbsp; u&nbsp; tretmanu&nbsp; na&nbsp; velikoj&nbsp; skali.&nbsp; Pre&nbsp; primene&nbsp; remedijacione&nbsp; tehnike&nbsp; na velikoj skali, neophodna su ispitivanja pri laboratorijskim uslovima i pilot skali.&nbsp; Na kraju svakog uspe&scaron;nog&nbsp; laboratorijskog&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; nalaze&nbsp; se&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; istraživanja.&nbsp; Pomoću&nbsp; njih&nbsp; se&nbsp; dobija&nbsp; p ravi odgovor u smislu izbora optimalne tehnologije imajući u vidu investicione i operativne tro&scaron;kove,<br />postignuti rezultat i krajnje ciljeve u pogledu upravljanja postrojenjem i otpadom. U ovom radu ispitan&nbsp; je&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; primene&nbsp; stabilisanog&nbsp; i&nbsp; zelenom&nbsp; sinte zom&nbsp; produkovanog&nbsp; nano&nbsp; Fe(0)&nbsp; zaremedijaciju&nbsp; sedimenta&nbsp; zagađenog&nbsp; te&scaron;kim&nbsp; metalima.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; remedijaciona&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; odabrana&nbsp; je stabilizacija/solidifikacija,&nbsp; koja&nbsp; podrazumeva&nbsp; dodavanje&nbsp; agenasa&nbsp; za&nbsp; imobilizaciju&nbsp; metala&nbsp; u sedimentu&nbsp; sprečavajući&nbsp; time&nbsp; potencijalni&nbsp; rizik&nbsp;&nbsp; od&nbsp; izluživanja&nbsp; metala&nbsp; u&nbsp; životnu&nbsp; sredinu. Konvencionalni&nbsp; materijali&nbsp; poput&nbsp; letećeg&nbsp; pepela,&nbsp; cementa,&nbsp; gline&nbsp; se&nbsp; već&nbsp; odavno&nbsp; koriste&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovu svrhu. Kako u dana&scaron;nje vreme raste potražnja za novim, lako dostupnim agensima za stabilizaciju<br />sedimenta, do&scaron;lo se na ideju o primeni nanomaterijala na bazi gvožđa, tj. nano Fe(0) stabilisanog nativnom glinom&nbsp; i produkovanog redukcijom pomoću organskih&nbsp; molekula prirodno prisutnih u ekstraktu&nbsp; li&scaron;ća&nbsp; hrasta&nbsp; i&nbsp; crnog&nbsp; duda.&nbsp; Nanomaterijali&nbsp; su&nbsp; sintetisani&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakterisani&nbsp; različitim metodama&nbsp; i&nbsp; tehnikama.&nbsp; U&nbsp; nastavaku,&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; efikasnosti&nbsp; njihove&nbsp; primene&nbsp; za&nbsp; stabilizaciju sedimenta, sprovedeni su ekstrakcioni i dinamički laboratorijski testovi izluživanja. Odabrane su sme&scaron;e sedimenta i nanomaterijala koje su pokazale najbolju efikasnost tr etmana. Nakon toga se ispitivanje&nbsp; nastavilo&nbsp; na&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; skali,&nbsp; gde&nbsp; se&nbsp; pratilo&nbsp; pona&scaron;anje&nbsp; nanomaterijala&nbsp; u&nbsp; zavisnosti&nbsp; od konvencionalnih&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; već&nbsp; u&nbsp; literaturi&nbsp; dokumentovani&nbsp; kao&nbsp; efikasni&nbsp; imobilizacioni agensi. Dodatna potvrda uspe&scaron;nosti tretmana data je analizom i karakterizacijom s/s sme&scaron;a nakon pilot&nbsp; ispitivanja&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; proces&nbsp; se&nbsp; uspe&scaron;no&nbsp; pokazao&nbsp; pri&nbsp; laboratorijskim uslovima,&nbsp; a&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; i&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; tretmana,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; tretmana&nbsp; nije&nbsp; do&scaron;lo&nbsp; do povećanih koncentracija&nbsp; izluživanja metala iz s/s sme&scaron;a, kao ni degradacije sme&scaron;a nakon procesa ovlaživanja&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; &scaron;est&nbsp; meseci.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; ovako&nbsp; tertirani&nbsp; sediment&nbsp; se&nbsp; može&nbsp; bezbedno odlagati&nbsp; na&nbsp; deponije,&nbsp; ili&nbsp; pak&nbsp; iskoristiti&nbsp; za&nbsp; &bdquo;kontrolisanu&ldquo;&nbsp; upotrebu,&nbsp; izgradnju&nbsp; puteva,kamenoloma, pomoćnih objekata i slično. Rezultati su doprineli u cilju trajnijeg re&scaron;avanja pitanja odlaganja&nbsp; zagađenog&nbsp; (izmuljenog)&nbsp; rečnog&nbsp; sedimenta,&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; se&nbsp; u&nbsp; procesu stabilizacije/solidifikacije&nbsp; dobijaju&nbsp; proizvodi&nbsp; sa&nbsp; dodatom&nbsp; vredno&scaron;ću&nbsp; neumanjenog&nbsp; kvaliteta .Nanomaterijali sintetisani u ovom radu na&nbsp; bazi ekstrakta li&scaron;ća biljaka doprinose kako očuvanju životne&nbsp; sredine,&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; ekonomičnosti&nbsp; primene&nbsp; remedijacione&nbsp; tehnike.&nbsp; Zahvaljujući&nbsp; velikoj specifičnoj&nbsp; povr&scaron;ini,&nbsp; malim&nbsp; dimenzijama&nbsp; čestica&nbsp; i&nbsp; velikom&nbsp; kapacitetu&nbsp; za&nbsp; imobilizaciju&nbsp; te&scaron;kih<br />metala predstavljaju efikasnu alternativu komercijalno dostupnim materijalima, &scaron;to ih čini veoma atraktivnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; obećavajućim&nbsp; u&nbsp; budućnosti&nbsp; pri&nbsp; tretmanu&nbsp; rečnog&nbsp; sedimenta&nbsp; zagađenog&nbsp; te&scaron;kim metalima.</p>sr
dc.description.abstract<p>The pollution of sediment by heavy metals represents a large environmental problem all<br />over the world.&nbsp; A&nbsp; lot of countries&nbsp; in the region&nbsp; as well as our country deal with this problem, which&nbsp; is&nbsp; widespread&nbsp; because&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; fast&nbsp; urbanization&nbsp; and&nbsp; industrialization.&nbsp; There&nbsp; is&nbsp; more&nbsp; and more&nbsp; carelessness&nbsp; about&nbsp; wastewater&nbsp; discharge&nbsp; into&nbsp; water&nbsp; flows&nbsp; without&nbsp; previous&nbsp; purification. When the conditions of the aquatic ecosystem change, metal leaching and harmful effects on the environment&nbsp; and&nbsp; human&nbsp; health&nbsp; can&nbsp; occur.&nbsp; Therefore,&nbsp; remediation&nbsp; of&nbsp; metal-contaminated sediments&nbsp; is&nbsp; crucial&nbsp; activity&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; process&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; complete&nbsp; ecosystem&nbsp; remediation.&nbsp; Cost effective, efficient and environmentally friendly remediation techniques are urgently needed and readily applicable in large-scale treatment. Before applying remediation techniques on the largescale,&nbsp; both&nbsp; laboratory&nbsp; and&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; tests&nbsp; are&nbsp; necessary.&nbsp; There&nbsp; are&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; studies&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; end&nbsp; of&nbsp; each successful&nbsp; laboratory&nbsp; test.&nbsp; Those&nbsp; studies&nbsp; provide&nbsp; the&nbsp; right&nbsp; answer&nbsp; in&nbsp; terms&nbsp; of&nbsp; choosing&nbsp; the optimal technology, taking into account the investment and operating costs,&nbsp;&nbsp; the achieved resultand&nbsp; the&nbsp; ultimate&nbsp; goals&nbsp; in&nbsp; terms&nbsp; of&nbsp; plant&nbsp; and&nbsp; waste&nbsp; management.&nbsp; In&nbsp; this&nbsp; study,&nbsp; the&nbsp; application<br />potential of stabilized and green&nbsp; -&nbsp; synthesized&nbsp; nano Fe(0) for the remediation of&nbsp; heavy&nbsp; metal&nbsp; -contaminated&nbsp; sediment&nbsp; was&nbsp; investigated.&nbsp; Stabilization&nbsp; /&nbsp; solidification&nbsp; technique&nbsp; was&nbsp; chosen&nbsp; as remediation technique which involves the addition of metal immobilizing agents in the sediment thus preventing the potential risk of metal leaching into the environment. Conventional materials such as fly ash, cement and clay have long been used for this purpose. Nowadays there is need for new, easily accessible agents for the sediment stabilization. Therefore it came up with the idea of&nbsp; using&nbsp; iron-based&nbsp; nanomaterials,&nbsp; ie.&nbsp; nano&nbsp; Fe(0)&nbsp; stabilized&nbsp; by&nbsp; native&nbsp; cla y&nbsp; and&nbsp; produced&nbsp; by reduction&nbsp; using&nbsp; organic&nbsp; molecules&nbsp; naturally&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; oak&nbsp; and&nbsp; black&nbsp; mulberry&nbsp; leaf&nbsp; extract. Nanomaterials have been synthesized and characterized by different methods and techniques. In order&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; effective&nbsp; in&nbsp; their&nbsp; application&nbsp; for&nbsp; sediment&nbsp; stabilization,&nbsp; extraction&nbsp; and&nbsp; dynamic laboratory leaching tests were performed. Mixtures of sediment and nanomaterials were selected that showed the best treatment efficiency.&nbsp; After that, the examination was continued on a pilot scale, where the behavior of nanomaterials was monitored, depending on conventional materials which&nbsp; have&nbsp; already&nbsp; been&nbsp; documented&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; literature&nbsp; as&nbsp; effective&nbsp; immobilizing&nbsp; agents.Additional confirmation of treatment success was given by analysis and characterization of s / s mixtures&nbsp; after&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; testing.&nbsp; According&nbsp; to&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; results,&nbsp; the&nbsp; process&nbsp; was&nbsp; successfully demonstrated&nbsp; under&nbsp; laboratory&nbsp; conditions,&nbsp; and&nbsp; also&nbsp; during&nbsp; the&nbsp; pilot&nbsp; treatment.&nbsp; After&nbsp; the&nbsp; pilot treatment&nbsp; there&nbsp; were&nbsp; no&nbsp; increased&nbsp; concentrations&nbsp; of&nbsp; metal&nbsp; leaching&nbsp; from&nbsp; s/s&nbsp; mixtures,&nbsp; nor mixture degradation after the wetting process for six months. Based on that, the sediment treated in this way&nbsp; can&nbsp; be safely disposed of&nbsp; in&nbsp; landfills, or used&nbsp; for &quot;controlled&quot; use, construction of<br />roads,&nbsp; quarries,&nbsp; auxiliary&nbsp; facilities&nbsp; and&nbsp; etc.&nbsp; The&nbsp; results&nbsp; have&nbsp; contributed&nbsp; to the&nbsp; goal&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; more permanent solution to the issue of disposal of polluted (slugged) river sediment, whereby in the process&nbsp; of&nbsp; stabilization/solidification,&nbsp; products&nbsp; with&nbsp; added&nbsp; value&nbsp; of&nbsp; undiminished&nbsp; quality&nbsp; are obtained. The nanomaterials synthesized in this paper on the basis of plant leaf extract contribute to both the preservation of the environment and the economy of remediation techniques. Thanks to their&nbsp; large specific&nbsp; surface area, small particle size and&nbsp; large ca pacity&nbsp; for&nbsp; immobilization of heavy&nbsp; metals,&nbsp; they&nbsp; represent&nbsp; an&nbsp; effective&nbsp; alternative&nbsp; to&nbsp; commercially&nbsp; available&nbsp;&nbsp; materials.&nbsp; It makes&nbsp; them&nbsp; very&nbsp; attractive&nbsp; and&nbsp; promising&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; future&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; of&nbsp; river&nbsp; sediment contaminated with heavy metals.</p>en
dc.language.isosr (latin script)-
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
dc.publisherUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Saden
dc.sourceCRIS UNS-
dc.subjectremediation, sediment, heavy metals, nano zero valent iron, nanoparticlesen
dc.subjectremedijacija, sediment, metali, nano Fe(0)sr
dc.titlePotential application of stabilized and "green" produced nano zero -valent iron for remediation of sediment contaminated with metalsen
dc.titlePotencijal primene stabilisanog i „zelenom“ sintezom produkovanog nano gvožđa (0) za remedijaciju sedimenta kontaminiranog metalimasr
dc.source.institutionPrirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadusr
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.grantfulltextnone-čki fakultet, Departman za hemiju, biohemiju i zaštitu životne sredine-čki fakultet-
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