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Title: Meat quality traits of M. longissimus lumborum from White Mangalica and (Duroc × White Mangalica) × White Mangalica pigs reared under intensive conditions and slaughtered at about 180-kg live weight
Authors: Despotović, Aleksandra
Tomović, Vladimir 
Šević, Radoslav
Jokanović, Marija 
Stanišić, Nikola
Škaljac (Savatić), Snežana 
Šojić, Branislav 
Hromiš (Krkić), Nevena 
Stajić, Slaviša
Petrović, Jovana 
Issue Date: 2-Oct-2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Journal: Italian Journal of Animal Science
Abstract: © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The objective of the study was to evaluate the meat quality of the Serbian autochthonous White Mangalica pure bred pig and its crossbreed with Duroc. A total of 24 pigs [White Mangalica–WM, n = 12, and (Duroc × White Mangalica) × White Mangalica)–(DWM)WM, n = 12)] were slaughtered on average 638 and 509 d of age, respectively. Colour and marbling score, and all physical (pH, instrumental colour and water holding capacity) and chemical (proximate and mineral composition and fatty acids profile) analyses were performed on M. longissimus lumborum. Pork from WM had higher marbling score and intramuscular fat content and was redder in colour than from (DWM)WM; while opposite was determined for moisture content. In intramuscular fat, WM had higher content of oleic acid as well as total monounsaturated fatty acids than (DWM)WM, while (DWM)WM had higher linoleic and arachidonic acids as well as total polyunsaturated fatty acids content. Inclusion of 25% Duroc gave pork with lower content of iron, copper and manganese. In summary, irrespective of differences in some particular traits White Mangalica crossbreds can represent a good alternative to pure White Mangalica without worsening the meat quality.
ISSN: 15944077
DOI: 10.1080/1828051X.2018.1443287
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