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Title: Frequency estimation of three-phase power system using weighted-least- square algorithm and adaptive FIR filtering
Authors: Kušljević M.
Tomić J. 
Jovanović L.
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2010
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Abstract: A new technique for estimation of the instantaneous frequency based on simultaneous sampling of three-phase voltage signals is presented. The structure consists of two decoupled modules: the first is for adaptive filtering of input signals, and the second is for frequency estimation. A suitable and robust algorithm for frequency estimation is obtained. This technique provides better performance, compared with the technique based on a single-phase signal in relation to waveforms with noise. The technique is particularly important when asymmetric sags generate zero voltage in one of the three phases. In addition, it allows the measurement of the instantaneous frequency value of real signals for single- or three-phase systems. To demonstrate the performance of the developed algorithm, computer-simulated data records and calibrator-generated signals are processed. The proposed algorithm has been put to test with distorted three-phase voltage signals. © 2006 IEEE.
ISSN: 00189456
DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2009.2023816
Appears in Collections:FTN Publikacije/Publications

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