
Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Jan-2015Energy consumption modelling via heat balance method for energy performance of a buildingHarmati N.; Jakšić, Željko ; Vatin N.
21-Jan-2016Evaluating Contractors and Offered Structural SolutionsJakšić, Željko ; Dražić, Jasmina; Peško, Igor ; Mučenski, Vladimir ; Dejić A.; Romanovich M.
323-May-2017Flexibility and adaptability - Key elements of end-user participation in living space designingJakšić, Željko ; Trivunić, Milan ; Adamtsevich A.
41-Jan-2016Improvement of a Common Approach to the Design of Passive Ventilated ApartmentsJakšić, Željko ; Trivunić, Milan ; Murgul V.
51-Jan-2015Masonry construction remedial measures in case of a multi-story housing facility caused by floor extension processJakšić, Željko ; Ladjinović D.; Trivunić, Milan ; Harmati N.; Vatin N.
61-Apr-2015Mathematical approach to application of industrial wastes in clay brick production - Part I: Testing and analysisArsenović, Marko ; Radojević Z.; Jakšić, Željko ; Pezo L.
71-Apr-2015Mathematical approach to application of industrial wastes in clay brick production - Part II: OptimizationArsenović, Marko ; Radojević Z.; Jakšić, Željko ; Pezo L.
81-Jun-2016Response properties in the adsorption-desorption model on a triangular latticeŠćepanović J.; Stojiljković D.; Jakšić, Željko ; Budinski-Petković, Ljuba ; Vrhovac, Vijoleta 
91-Jan-2014Rising damp analysis and selection of optimal handling method in masonry constructionHarmati N.; Jakšić, Željko ; Trivunić, Milan ; Milovanovi V.
1018-Sep-2017The study of percolation with the presence of extended impuritiesLončarević, Ivana; Budinski-Petković, Ljuba ; Dujak D.; Karač A.; Jakšić, Željko ; Vrhovac, Vijoleta