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Датум издавањаНасловАутор(и)
2019Assessing the ecological impact of chemical pollution on aquatic ecosystems requires the systematic exploration and evaluation of four lines of evidenceBackhaus T; Brack Werner; Van den Brink PJ; Deutschmann B.; Hollert H; Posthuma L; Segner H; Seiler TB; Teodorovic Ivana ; Focks A
2018Development of a diagnostic toolbox for ecological effects of pollutant mixtures and application to evaluate results from the third Joint Danube surveyFocks A; Seiler TB; Van den Brink PJ; Deutschmann B.; Hollert H; Kaišarević Sonja ; Teodorović Ivana ; Backhaus T
2018A diagnostic toolbox for ecological effects of pollutant mixtures: a case study application using in situ experiments with microbial communitiesBackhause T; Arrhenius A; Behra R; Seiler TB; Van den Brink PJ; Deutschmann B.; Corcol N; Focks A; Hollender J; Hollert H; Segner H; Teodorović Ivana ; Tlili A
2015Discriminating between the effects of chemicals and other influencing factors on the macroinvertebrate community and trait composition: data analysis from the 3rd Joint Danube SurveyFocks A; Baveco H; Graf W; Schmidt Kloiber A; Leitner P; Teodorović Ivana ; Paunović M.; Van den Brink PJ
2015Future water quality monitoring – Adapting tools to deal with mixtures of pollutants in water resource management.Altenburger Rolf; Ait Aissac S; Antczakd P; Backhause T; Barcelo D.; Seiler TB; Brion F; Busch W; Chipman K; López de Alda M; de Aragão Umbuzeiro G; Escher BI; Falciani F; Faust M; Focks A; Hilscherova K.; Hollender J; Hollert H; Jäger F; Jahnke A; Kortenkamp A; Krauss M; Lemkine GF; Munthe J; Neumann S; Schymanski E; Scrimshaw M; Segner H; Slobodnik J; Smedes F; Subramaniam K; Teodorović Ivana ; Tindall AJ; Tollefsen KE; Walz KH; Williams TD; Van den Brink PJ; van Gils J; Viana B; Zhangy X; Brack W.
2015SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources managementBrack W.; Altenburger R; Schüürmann G; Krauss M; López Herráez D; van Gils J; Slobodnik J; Munthe J; Gawlik BM; van Wezel A; Schriks M; Hollender J; Tollefsen KE; Mekenyan O; Dimitrov S; Bunke D; Cousins I; Posthuma L; Van den Brink PJ; López de Alda M; Barcelo D.; Faust M; Kortenkamp A; Scrimshaw M; Ignatova S; Engelen G; Massmann G; Lemkine GF; Teodorović Ivana ; Walz KH; Dulio V; Jonker MTO; Jäger F; Chipman K; Falciani F; Liska I; Rooke D; Zhang X; Hollert H; Vrana B; Hilscherova K.; Kramer K; Neumann S; Hammerbacher R; Backhause T; Mach J; Segner H; Escher BI; de Aragão Umbuzeiro G