Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Dec-2008 | Antisocial behavior - dimension or category(ies)? | Biro, Mikloš; Smederevac, Snežana ; Novović, Zdenka |
1-Jan-2004 | Attitudes toward justice and social reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia | Biro, Mikloš; Ajdukovic D.; Corkalo D.; Milin Petar; Weinstein H. |
2-Oct-2019 | Children's drawings as a triage tool for the assessment of negative emotionality in refugee children | Sokić J.; Durović D.; Biro, Mikloš |
1-Jan-1989 | Factor analytic study of depressive disorders | Biro, Mikloš; Till E. |
1-Jan-2014 | Measuring vulnerability to depression: The serbian scrambled sentences test-SSST | Novović, Zdenka ; Mihić, Ljiljana ; Biro, Mikloš; Tovilović, Snežana |
1-Jan-2004 | Neighbors again? Intercommunity relations after ethnic cleansing | Corkalo D.; Ajdukovic D.; Weinstein H.; Stover E.; Djipa D.; Biro, Mikloš |
1-Dec-2012 | Positive and negative affect in illusion of control | Novović, Zdenka ; Kovač, Anja; Duric V.; Biro, Mikloš |
1-Jan-2023 | Psychological research and practice in former Yugoslavia and its successors | Pajić, Dejan ; Biro, Mikloš |
1-Jan-2017 | Public opinion in Serbia on ICTY: A chicken or an egg? | Biro, Mikloš |
1-Jan-1991 | Research ethicality: The perceptions of participants and their participation willingness | Skinner L.; Berry K.; Biro, Mikloš; Jackson T. |
1-Apr-1991 | The role of depressive disorder in the suicidal behavior of alcoholics | Biro, Mikloš; Selaković-Bursić S.; Kapamadzija B. |
18-Sep-2017 | Situational aspects of current mood - Affective changes during resting state and mood induction | Sokić J.; Milinković I.; Novović, Zdenka ; Biro, Mikloš |
1-Dec-2009 | Socioeconomic and cultural factors of low sholastic achievement of roma children | Biro, Mikloš; Smederevac, Snežana ; Tovilović, Snežana |
1-Jan-2007 | State depression: Mood or syndrome? | Novović, Zdenka ; Biro, Mikloš; Nedimović T. |
1-Jan-1996 | Suicide, aggression and war | Biro, Mikloš; Selaković-Bursić S. |
1-Jan-1992 | Towards a typology of homicides on the basis of personality | Biro, Mikloš; Vučković, Nikola; Đurić, Veljko |
1-Jan-2016 | Unconditional self-Acceptance and mental health in ego-provoking experimental context | Popović, Živko; Radanovic J.; Biro, Mikloš |
2001 | Veza između atribucionog stila, anksioznosti i depresije | Novović, Zdenka ; Kosanović, Branislav; Biro, Mikloš; Smederevac, Snežana |