Browsing by Author Živkov S.
Showing results 4 to 10 of 10
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1997 | Functional Programming Framework - an Extension of an Operating System | Živkov S.; Budimac Zoran |
1997 | Functional Programming Language ISWIM/NS | Živkov S.; Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana |
1996 | On the Design of a Functional Programming Framework | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Živkov S. |
1992 | On Transformation of Context Free Grammars into a Form Suitable for Use in Compiler Generators | Ivanović Mirjana ; Živkov S.; Budimac Zoran |
1997 | Persistent Objects in Oberon (Operating) System | Budimac Zoran ; Živkov S. |
1991 | Preprocessor for Transformation of Context-free Grammar to Reduced one | Živkov S.; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |
1997 | Programming Language “PLES” Software Components | Bađonski M.; Budimac Zoran ; Dudan Z.; Ivanović Mirjana ; Stevanović S.; Paunić Đ.; Živkov S. |