Browsing by Author Filipčev, Bojana
Showing results 30 to 49 of 53
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Mar-2011 | Feasibility of use of buckwheat flour as an ingredient in ginger nut biscuit formulation | Filipčev, Bojana ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Sakač M.; Sedej I.; Jovanov, Pavle ; Pestorić, Mladenka ; Bodroža Solarov, Marija |
1-Jan-2015 | Impact of buckwheat flour granulation and supplementation level on the quality of composite wheat/buckwheat ginger-nut-type biscuits | Filipčev, Bojana ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Bodroža Solarov, Marija |
1-Jan-2011 | Instrumental and sensory evaluation of quality attributes of mixed buckwheat/wheat breads | Pestorić, Mladenka ; Sakač, Marija; Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Pojić, Milica ; Sedej I.; Mišan, Aleksandra |
1-Jan-2013 | Investigation of quantity, quality and usage of leftover bread in human and animal nutrition | Živković, Jasmina ; Nježić, Zvonko ; Cvetković, Biljana ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana |
1-Jan-2013 | Investigation of stress relaxation parameters during the storage of gingerbread cookies made from spelt wheat | Filipčev, Bojana ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Bodroža Solarov, Marija ; Grbić J. |
1-Jan-2014 | Modelling the effects of transglutaminase and l-ascorbic acid on substandard quality wheat flour by response surface methodology | Šimurina, Olivera ; Popov, Stevan; Filipčev, Bojana ; Dodić, Jelena ; Bodroža Solarov, Marija ; Demin, Mirjana; Nježić, Zvonko |
1-May-2008 | Nutritional and sensory evaluation of wheat breads supplemented with oleic-rich sunflower seed | Škrbić, Biljana ; Filipčev, Bojana |
1-Jan-2012 | Optimization of the specialty bread formulation containing sugar beet molasses, flax seed and vital wheat gluten | Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Ikonić B.; Belović, Miona ; Jevtić Mučibabić, Rada ; Bodroža Solarov, Marija ; Cvetković, Biljana |
1-Jan-2017 | Partial replacement of fat with wheat bran in formulation of biscuits enriched with herbal blend | Filipčev, Bojana ; Nedeljković, Nataša; Šimurina, Olivera ; Sakač, Marijana ; Pestorić, Mladenka ; Jambrec, Dubravka; Šarić, Bojana ; Jovanov, Pavle |
1-Jan-2019 | Physicochemical changes of the gluten-free rice-buckwheat cookies during storage – artificial neural network model | Pestorić, Mladenka ; Sakač M.; Pezo L.; Škrobot, Dubravka ; Nedeljković N.; Jovanov, Pavle ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Mandić A. |
1-Jul-2013 | Points relating to the estimation of saturation coefficient in beet molasses | Grbić, Jasna; Jevtić Mučibabić, Rada ; Kuljanin, Tatjana ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Šimurina, Olivera |
1-Jan-2019 | Prediction of commercial spaghetti quality based on sensory and physicochemical data | Pestorić, Mladenka ; Mastilović, Jasna ; Pezo, Lato; Belović, Miona ; Škrobot, Dubravka ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Pojić, Milica ; Torbica, Aleksandra |
1-Sep-2010 | Quality characteristics and antioxidant properties of breads supplemented with sugar beet molasses-based ingredients | Filipčev, Bojana ; Lević L.; Bodroža Solarov, Marija ; Mišljenovic N.; Koprivica G. |
1-Oct-2008 | Quality of bread supplemented with popped Amaranthus cruentus grain | Bodroža Solarov, Marija ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Kevrešan, Žarko ; Mandić A.; Šimurina, Olivera |
1-Jan-2014 | Quality of gingernut type biscuits as affected by varying fat content and partial replacement of honey with molasses | Filipčev, Bojana ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Bodroža Solarov, Marija |
1-Oct-2012 | Quality parameters of wheat grain and flour as influenced by treatments with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth formulations, grain infestation status and endosperm vitreousness | Bodroža Solarov, Marija ; Kljajić, Petar; Andrić, Goran; Filipčev, Bojana ; Dokić, Ljubica |
1-Jan-2015 | Relationship of physicochemical characteristics with sensory profile of cookies enriched with medicinal herbs | Pestorić, Mladenka ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Jambrec D.; Belović, Miona ; Mišan, Aleksandra ; Nedeljković N. |
1-Jul-2012 | Selection of optimal sensory properties for the recognition of wholemeal bread | Pestorić, Mladenka ; Pojić, Milica ; Sakač M.; Mastilovǐ J.; Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Živančev J. |
1-Jan-2011 | Sensory evaluation of new gluten-free buckwheat crackers | Sedej I.; Sakač, Marija; Mandić, Aljoša; Mišan, Aleksandra ; Pestorić, Mladenka ; Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana |
1-Feb-2017 | Sensory profile and preference mapping of cookies enriched with medicinal herbs | Pestorić, Mladenka ; Škrobot, Dubravka ; Žigon, Uroš; Šimurina, Olivera ; Filipčev, Bojana ; Belović, Miona ; Mišan, Aleksandra |