Browsing by Author Banjac, Vojislav
Showing results 11 to 15 of 15
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Sep-2017 | Physical characteristics of feed collected from Italy and Serbia | Čolović R.; Ottoboni M.; Caprarulo V.; Pilotto A.; Banjac, Vojislav ; Vukmirović D.; Pinotti L. |
19-May-2019 | Plant food by-products as feed: Characteristics, possibilities, environmental benefits, and negative sides | Čolović, Dušica ; Rakita , Slađana ; Banjac, Vojislav ; Đuragić , Olivera ; Čabarkapa, Ivana |
1-Oct-2017 | Possibilities for preservation of coarse particles in pelleting process to improve feed quality characteristics | Vukmirović, Đuro; Fišteš, Aleksandar ; Lević, Jovanka; Čolović, Radmilo ; Rakić, Dušan ; Brlek, Tea; Banjac, Vojislav |
1-Jan-2015 | Reduction of cyanogenic glycosides by extrusion - Influence of temperature and moisture content of the processed material | Čolović, Dušica ; Lević J.; Čolović, Radmilo ; Lević L.; Banjac, Vojislav ; Rakita , Slađana ; Đuragić , Olivera |
1-Jan-2014 | Thermal decomposition of maltitol spreads | Petković, Milica ; Šereš, Zita ; Pajin, Biljana ; Banjac, Vojislav |