Browsing by Author Nikolić, Tijana
Showing results 15 to 20 of 20
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Seasonal changes in European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus)feeding habits on a saline pasture in Vojvodina (Serbia) | Arok, Maja ; Nikolić, Tijana ; Mirč, Marko; Radišić, Dimitrije ; Győri Koósz, Barbara; Ćirović, Duško |
Oct-2016 | Species distribution modelling as a tool to estimate effectiveness of protected areas and IBAs in protection of farmland birds in Serbia | Radulović, Irena; Radišić, Dimitrije ; Velaja, Lea ; Nikolić, Tijana ; Milić, Dubravka |
2011 | STEP (Status and Trends of European Pollinators)- concept and preliminary results. | Šimić, Smiljka; Mudri Stojnić, Sonja ; Stojanović, Dejan ; Radišić, Dimitrije ; Mesaroš, Minučer ; Seferović, Slobodan; Knežević, Jovana ; Milić, Dubravka ; Preradović, Jelena; Vujnović, M.; Andrić, Andrijana ; Markov Ristić, Zlata ; Nedeljković, Zorica ; Nikolić, Tijana ; Ačanski, Jelena ; Radenković, Snežana ; Vujić, Ante |
Apr-2013 | Three new species of the Merodon nigritarsis group (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the Middle East | Vujić, Ante ; Radenković, Snežana ; Likov, Laura ; Trifunov, Sonja ; Nikolić, Tijana |
Oct-2013 | Vegetation and soil variables relationship on LTER site KP rit in Serbia | Vujanović, Dušanka ; Nikolić, Tijana ; Radišić, Dimitrije ; Veselić, Sanja |
24-Oct-2019 | Viability of European ground squirrel population (Spermophilus citellus) under climate and land use change. | Nikolić Tijana |