Browsing by Author Šikoparija, Branko
Showing results 24 to 43 of 54
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | Lipova paša na Fruškoj Gori | Radišić, Predrag ; Šikoparija, Branko ; Igić, Ružica ; Simić, Srboljub ; Pejak-Šikoparija, Tatjana |
Apr-2016 | The long distance transport of airborne Ambrosia pollen to the UK and the Netherlands from Central and south Europe | De Weger, L.; Pashley, C.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, C.; Kasprzyk, I.; Grewling, Łukasz; Thibaudon, M.; Magyar, D.; Smith, M. |
Oct-2013 | A mechanism for long distance transport of Ambrosia pollen from the Pannonian Plain | Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, C.; Alm Kübler, K.; Dahl, A.; Sommer, J.; Grewling, Łukasz; Radišić, Predrag ; Smith, M. |
Feb-2016 | Mesoscale atmospheric transport of ragweed pollen allergens from infected to uninfected areas | Grewling, Łukasz; Bogawski, P.; Jenerowicz, D.; Czarnecka-Operacz M.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, C.; Smith, M. |
Aug-2010 | A method for producing airborne pollen source inventories: An example of Ambrosia (ragweed) on the Pannonian Plain | Skjøth, C.; Smith, M.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Stach, A.; Myszkowska, D.; Kasprzyk, I.; Radišić, Predrag ; Stjepanović, B.; Hrga, I.; Apatini, D.; Magyar, D.; Páldy, A.; Ianovici, N. |
Jan-2016 | Modelling the introduction and spread of non-native species: international trade and climate change drive ragweed invasion | Chapman, D.; Makra, L.; Albertini, R.; Bonini, M.; Páldy, A.; Rodinkova, V.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Weryszko-Chmielewska, E.; Bullock, J. |
2013 | Monitoring of fungal spores in the indoor air of preschool institution facilities in Novi Sad | Novaković, Milana ; Karaman, Maja ; Radnović, Dragan ; Radišić, Predrag ; Šikoparija, Branko |
Jan-2012 | Monitoring, modelling and forecasting of the pollen season | Scheifinger, H.; Belmonte, J.; Buters, J.; Celenk, S.; Damialis, A.; Dechamp, C.; García-Mozo, H.; Gehrig, R.; Grewling, Łukasz; Halley, J.; Hogda, K.; Jäger, S.; Karatzas, K.; Karlsen, S.; Koch, E.; Pauling, A.; Peel, R.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Smith, M.; Galán, C.; Thibaudon, M.; Vokou, D.; De Weger, L. |
Jul-2019 | Near-ground effect of height on pollen exposure | Rojo, J.; Oteros, J.; Pérez-Badia, R.; Cervigón, P.; Ferencova, Z.; Gutiérrez-Bustillo, A.; Bergmann, K.; Oliver, G.; Thibaudon, M.; Albertini, R.; Rodríguez-De la Cruz, D.; Sánchez-Reyes, E.; Sánchez-Sánchez, J.; Pessi, A.; Reiniharju, J.; Saarto, A.; Calderón, M.; Guerrero, C.; Berra, D.; Bonini, M.; Chiodini, E.; Fernández-González, D.; García, J.; Trigo, M.; Myszkowska, D.; Fernández-Rodríguez, S.; Tormo-Molina, R.; Damialis, A.; Kolek, F.; Traidl-Hoffmann, C.; Severova, E.; Caeiro, E.; Ribeiro, H.; Magyar, D.; Makra, L.; Udvardy, O.; Alcázar, P.; Galán, C.; Borycka, K.; Kasprzyk, I.; Newbigin, E.; Adams-Groom, B.; Apangu, G.; Frisk, C.; Skjøth, C.; Radišić, Predrag ; Šikoparija, Branko ; Celenk, S.; Schmidt-Weber, C.; Buters, J. |
2011 | The occurrence of Ambrosia pollen in Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań, Poland: Investigation of trends and possible transport of Ambrosia pollen from Ukraine | Kasprzyk, Idalia; Myszkowska, Dorota; Grewling, Łukasz; Stach, Alicja; Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, Carsten Ambelas; Smith, Matt |
Jan-2012 | The onset, course and intensity of the pollen season | Dahl, Åslög; Galán, Carmen; Hajkova, Lenka; Pauling, Andreas; Šikoparija, Branko ; Smith, Matt; Vokou, Despoina |
Dec-2013 | An operational model for forecasting ragweed pollen release and dispersion in Europe | Prank, M.; Chapman, D.; Bullock, J.; Belmonte, J.; Berger, U.; Dahl, A.; Jäger, S.; Kovtunenko, I.; Magyar, D.; Niemelä, S.; Rantio-Lehtimäki, A.; Rodinkova, V.; Sauliene, I.; Severova, E.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Sofiev, M. |
Feb-2009 | The Pannonian plain as a source of Ambrosia pollen in the Balkans | Šikoparija, Branko ; Smith, Matt; Skjøth, Carsten Ambelas; Radišić, Predrag ; Milkovska, Snežana; Šimić, Smiljka; Brandt, Jorgen |
Nov-2019 | Phenolic composition influences the health-promoting potential of bee-pollen | Mosić, Mirjana; Trifković, Jelena; Vovk, Irena; Gašić, Uroš; Tešić, Živoslav; Šikoparija, Branko ; Milojković-Opsenica, Dušanka |
2015 | Physicochemical composition and techno-functional properties of bee pollen collected in Serbia | Kostić, Aleksandar; Barać, Miroljub; Stanojević, Slađana; Milojković-Opsenica, Dušanka; Tešić, Zdravko ; Šikoparija, Branko ; Radišić, Predrag ; Prentović, Marija; Pešić, Marija |
Sep-2014 | Phytochemical fingerprints of lime honey collected in Serbia | Gašić, Uroš; Šikoparija, Branko ; Tosti, Tomislav; Trifković, Jelena; Milojković-Opsenica, Dušanka; Natić, Maja; Tešić, Živoslav |
Jan-2012 | Pollen sources | Skjøth, C.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Jäger, S.; Ean-Network |
Oct-2016 | Pollen-monitoring: between analyst proficiency testing | Šikoparija, Branko ; Galán, C.; Smith, M.; Abramidze, T.; Adams-Groom, B.; Albertini, R.; Anelli, P.; Bastl, K.; Bigagli, V.; Bonini, M.; Bócsi, E.; Bucher, E.; Caeiro, E.; Celenk, S.; Cerovac; Chłopek, K.; Cislaghi, G.; Clot, B.; Cortonesi, B.; Cristofori, A.; Dahl, A.; Della Bella, V.; Dupuy, N.; Dušička, J.; Ferro, R.; Flori, C.; Graber, M.; Hrastovćak, S.; Ianovici, N.; Józsa, E.; Kasprzyk, I.; Kmenta, M.; Kofler, V.; Magyar, D.; Mányoki, G.; Maya Manzano, J.; Myszkowska, D.; Nowak, M.; Oliver, G.; Paganoni, B.; Palamarchuk, O.; Parati, S.; Pashley, C.; Pini, A.; Piotrowska, K.; Prentović, Marija; Rachoud, A.; Radišić, Predrag ; Rapp Benito, A.; Rodinkova, V.; Russo, M.; Sallin, C.; Satchwell, J.; Sindt, C.; Smith, M.; Szymanska, A.; Šaulienė, I.; Ščevková, J.; Tassan Mazzocco, F.; Testoni, C.; Tomičić Žabčić, V.; Udvardy, O.; Ugolotti, M.; Vadassy, R.; Vannini, J.; Vecenaj, A.; Velasco-Jiménez, M.; Verardo, P.; Viola, M.; Vuillemin, F.; Zemmer, F. |
Oct-2019 | Predicting abundances of invasive ragweed across Europe using a “top-down” approach | Skjøth, C.; Sun, Y.; Karrer, G.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Smith, M.; Schaffner, U.; Müller-Schärer, H. |
May-2014 | Predicting walnut (Juglans spp.) crop yield using meteorological and airborne pollen data | Prentović, Marija; Radišić, Predrag ; Smith, Matt; Šikoparija, Branko |