Browsing by Author Šikoparija, Branko
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Nov-2013 | Common ragweed: A threat to environmental health in Europe | Smith, Matt; Cecchi, Lorenzo; Skjøth, Carsten Ambelas; Karrer, Gerhard; Šikoparija, Branko |
Jul-2009 | Comparative analysis of some vernal pollen concentrations in timisoara (Romania), Szeged (Hungary), Novi Sad (Serbia) and Ljubljana (Slovenia) | Ianovici, Nicoleta; Juhasz, Miklos; Kofol-Seliger, Andrea; Šikoparija, Branko |
Nov-2019 | Concomitant occurrence of anthropogenic air pollutants, mineral dust and fungal spores during long-distance transport of ragweed pollen | Grewling, Łukasz; Bogawski, P.; Kryza, M.; Magyar, D.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, C.; Udvardy, O.; Werner, M.; Smith, M. |
2014 | DNA barcoding applied: identifying the larva of Merodon avidus (Diptera: Syrphidae) | Andrić, Andrijana ; Šikoparija, Branko ; Obreht-Vidaković, Dragana; Đan, Mihajla ; Preradović, Jelena; Radenković, Snežana ; Pérez Bañón, Celeste; Vujić, Ante |
2011 | The effect of changes to the method of estimating the pollen count from aerobiological samples | Šikoparija, Branko ; Pejak-Šikoparija, Tatjana; Radišić, Predrag ; Smith, Matt; Soldevilla, C. |
Aug-2015 | Environmental effects on superoxide dismutase and catalase activity and expression in honey bee | Nikolić, Tatjana ; Purać, Jelena ; Orčić, Snežana; Kojić, Danijela ; Vujanović, Dušanka ; Stanimirović, Zoran; Gržetić, Ivan; Ilijević, Konstantin; Šikoparija, Branko ; Blagojević, Duško |
Jan-2024 | Evaluation of air sampling methods for DNA-based aerobiome diversity assessment. Challenges of modern aerobiology | Milosavljević, Tijana; Šašić Zorić, Ljiljana ; Jović, Jelena ; Pal, Deepika; Janjušević, Ljiljana ; Đisalov, Mila ; Šikoparija, Branko |
Oct-2015 | A follow-up study examining airborne Ambrosia pollen in the Milan area in 2014 in relation to the accidental introduction of the ragweed leaf beetle Ophraella communa | Bonini, M.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Prentović, Marija; Cislaghi, G.; Colombo, P.; Testoni, C.; Grewling, Łukasz; Lommen, S.; Müller-Schärer, H.; Smith, M. |
May-2014 | Geographic and temporal variations in pollen exposure across Europe | Smith, M.; Jäger, S.; Berger, U.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Hallsdottir, M.; Sauliene, I.; Bergmann, K.; Pashley, C.; De Weger, L.; Majkowska-Wojciechowska, B.; Rybníček, O.; Thibaudon, M.; Gehrig, R.; Bonini, M.; Yankova, R.; Damialis, A.; Vokou, D.; Gutiérrez-Bustillo, A.; Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K.; Van Ree, R. |
May-2024 | Geographical origin authentication of honey produced in the region of Rtanj Mountain (Serbia) | Sakač, Marijana ; Novaković, Aleksandra ; Ikonić, Predrag ; Peulić, Tatjana ; Škrobot, Dubravka ; Radišić, Predrag ; Šikoparija, Branko ; Jovanov, Pavle ; Maravić, Nikola ; Marić, Aleksandar |
Jan-2018 | How to prepare a pollen calendar for forecasting daily pollen concentrations of Ambrosia, Betula and Poaceae? | Šikoparija, Branko ; Marko, Oskar ; Panić, Marko ; Jakovetić, Dušan ; Radišić, Predrag |
Jun-2024 | Influence of meteorological variables and air pollutants on measurements from automatic pollen sampling devices | Gonzalez-Alonso, M.; Oteros, J.; Widmann, M.; Maya-Manzano, J.M.; Skjoth, C.; Grewling, L.; O'Connor, D.; Sofiev, M.; Tummon, F.; Crouzy, B.; Clot, B.; Buters, J.; Kadantsev, E.; Palamarchuk, Y.; Martinez-Bracero, M.; Pope, F.D.; Mills, S.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Matavulj, Predrag ; Schmidt-Weber, C.B.; Orby, P. |
Dec-2019 | Integration of in situ and satellite data for top-down mapping of Ambrosia infection level | Lugonja, Predrag ; Brdar, Sanja ; Simović, Isidora ; Mimić, Gordan ; Palamarchuk, Yuliia; Sofiev, M.; Šikoparija, Branko |
Apr-2015 | Is the recent decrease in airborne Ambrosia pollen in the Milan area due to the accidental introduction of the ragweed leaf beetle Ophraella communa? | Bonini, M.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Prentović, Marija; Cislaghi, G.; Colombo, P.; Testoni, C.; Grewling, Łukasz; Lommen, S.; Müller-Schärer, H.; Smith, M. |
2005 | Lipova paša na Fruškoj Gori | Radišić, Predrag ; Šikoparija, Branko ; Igić, Ružica ; Simić, Srboljub ; Pejak-Šikoparija, Tatjana |
Apr-2016 | The long distance transport of airborne Ambrosia pollen to the UK and the Netherlands from Central and south Europe | De Weger, L.; Pashley, C.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, C.; Kasprzyk, I.; Grewling, Łukasz; Thibaudon, M.; Magyar, D.; Smith, M. |
Oct-2013 | A mechanism for long distance transport of Ambrosia pollen from the Pannonian Plain | Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, C.; Alm Kübler, K.; Dahl, A.; Sommer, J.; Grewling, Łukasz; Radišić, Predrag ; Smith, M. |
Feb-2016 | Mesoscale atmospheric transport of ragweed pollen allergens from infected to uninfected areas | Grewling, Łukasz; Bogawski, P.; Jenerowicz, D.; Czarnecka-Operacz M.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Skjøth, C.; Smith, M. |
Aug-2010 | A method for producing airborne pollen source inventories: An example of Ambrosia (ragweed) on the Pannonian Plain | Skjøth, C.; Smith, M.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Stach, A.; Myszkowska, D.; Kasprzyk, I.; Radišić, Predrag ; Stjepanović, B.; Hrga, I.; Apatini, D.; Magyar, D.; Páldy, A.; Ianovici, N. |
Jan-2016 | Modelling the introduction and spread of non-native species: international trade and climate change drive ragweed invasion | Chapman, D.; Makra, L.; Albertini, R.; Bonini, M.; Páldy, A.; Rodinkova, V.; Šikoparija, Branko ; Weryszko-Chmielewska, E.; Bullock, J. |