Browsing by Author Lazić, Vera
Showing results 32 to 41 of 41
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Optimization of chitosan biofilm properties by addition of caraway essential oil and beeswax | Hromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Lazić, Vera ; Markov, Siniša ; Vaštag, Žužana; Popović, Senka ; Šuput (Pejić), Danijela ; Džinić, Natalija; Ranitović (Velićanski), Aleksandra ; Popović, Ljiljana |
1-Jan-2012 | Optimization of technical diagnostics procedures for hydroelectric power plants | Nikolić, Dimitrije; Nikolić R.; Krstić B.; Lazić, Vera ; Nikolić, Ivan; Beara (Krstić), Ivana ; Krstić V. |
28-Oct-2009 | Oxidative stability and tocopherol content of refined sunflower oil during long-term storage in different commercial packagings | Romanić, Ranko ; Dimić, Etelka; Lazić, Vera ; Vujasinović, Vesna |
1997 | Proizvodnja pšenice u Banatu (1979/88) | Lazić Lazar ; Lazić Vera |
2012 | Properties of chitosan-laminated collagen film | Hromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Lazić, Vera ; Petrović, Ljiljana; Gvozdenović, Jasna; Pejić, Danijela |
1-Jun-2012 | Pumpkin oil cake protein isolate films as potential gas barrier coating | Popović S.; Peričin D.; Vaštag Z.; Lazić, Vera ; Popović L. |
1-Jan-2006 | Shelf-life of a dragee product based on sunflower kernel depending on packaging materials used | Pajin, Biljana ; Lazić, Vera ; Jovanović, Olga; Gvozdenović, Jasna |
1-May-2016 | Shelf-life prediction of gluten-free rice-buckwheat cookies | Sakač, Marija; Pestorić, Mladenka ; Mandić, Aljoša; Mišan, Aleksandra ; Nedeljković N.; Jambrec D.; Jovanov, Pavle ; Lazić, Vera ; Pezo L.; Sedej I. |
1-Nov-2017 | Synergistic effect of three encapsulated strains of probiotic bacteria on quality parameters of chocolates with different composition | Laličić-Petronijević J.; Popov-Raljić J.; Lazić, Vera ; Pezo L.; Nedović V. |
1997 | Wheat Production in Vojvodina (1979/88) | Lazić Lazar ; Lazić Vera |