Browsing by Author Lazić, Vera

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Showing results 10 to 29 of 41 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Oct-2019Effect of biopolymer coating on texture characteristics of dry fermented sausage during storageJokanović, Marija ; Hromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Tomović, Vladimir ; Lazić, Vera ; Škaljac (Savatić), Snežana ; Šojić, Branislav ; Ikonić, Predrag ; Peulić, Tatjana ; Ivić, Maja 
Sep-2017Effect of chitosan coating with the addition of caraway essential oil and beeswax on oxidative stability of Petrovská Klobása sausageHromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Šojić, Branislav ; Lazić, Vera ; Džinić, Natalija; Mandić, Anamarija ; Tomović, Vladimir ; Kravić, Snežana ; Škaljac (Savatić), Snežana ; Popović, Senka ; Šuput (Pejić), Danijela 
1-Dec-2013Effect of chitosan-caraway coating on color stability and lipid oxidation of traditional dry fermented sausageHromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Šojić, Branislav ; Škaljac (Savatić), Snežana ; Lazić, Vera ; Džinić, Natalija; Šuput (Pejić), Danijela ; Popović, Senka 
Aug-2013Effect of chitosan-caraway coating on lipid oxidation of traditional dry fermented sausageHromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Šojić, Branislav ; Lazić, Vera ; Petrović, Ljiljana; Mandić, Anamarija ; Sedej, Ivana; Tomović, Vladimir ; DŽinić, Natalija
1-Jan-2004The effect of nucleants on the crystallization behavior of isotactic polypropyleneBudinski-Simendić, Jaroslava ; Petrović Z.; Lazić, Vera ; Radičević R.; Divjaković V.
1-Feb-2014Effect of storage in a low oxygen gas atmosphere on colour and sensory properties of pork loinsPeulić, Tatjana ; Petrović, Ljiljana; Ikonić, Predrag ; Lazić, Vera ; Jokanović, Marija ; Džinić, Natalija; Tomović, Vladimir ; Šarić, Ljubiša 
1-Jun-2010Effect of the addition of pumpkin oil cake to gelatin to produce biodegradable composite filmsPopović S.; Lazić, Vera ; Popović L.; Vaštag Z.; Peričin D.
2016The effects of glycerol and guar-xanthan mixture on mechanical and barrier properties of starch based edible films – Chemometric analysisŠuput (Pejić), Danijela ; Lazić, Vera ; Pezo, Lato; Popović, Senka ; Hromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Bulut, Sandra 
14-Jul-2015Effects of temperature and immersion time on diffusion of moisture and minerals during rehydration of osmotically treated pork meat cubesŠuput (Pejić), Danijela ; Lazić, Vera ; Pezo, Lato; Lončar (Ćurčić), Biljana ; Filipović, Vladimir ; Nićetin, Milica ; Knežević, Violeta 
1-May-2011Evaluation of edible film-forming ability of pumpkin oil cake; effect of pH and temperaturePopović S.; Peričin D.; Vaštag Z.; Popović L.; Lazić, Vera 
1-Jan-2018Fatty acid profile changes in ricotta-filled pastry during storage investigated by a GC/MS-ANOVAPsodorov, Đorđe ; Lazić, Vera ; Ačanski, Marijana ; Psodorov, Đorđe ; Popović, Živko; Plavšić D.; Pastor, Kristian ; Šuput D.; Nježić Z.
2016Hydrophobic silica nanoparticles as reinforcing filler for poly (lactic acid) polymer matrixPilić, Branka ; Radusin, Tanja; Ristić, Ivan ; Silvestre, Clara; Lazić, Vera ; Baloš, Sebastian ; Duraccio, Donatella
1-Jan-2014Improvement of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of chitosan film with caraway and oregano essential oilsHromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Lazić, Vera ; Markov, Siniša ; Vaštag, Žužana; Popović, Senka ; Šuput (Pejić), Danijela ; Džinić, Natalija
18-Jul-2012Influence of packaging conditions on the properties of milk-based kombucha beveragePejić, Biljana; Milanović, Spasenija; Lazić, Vera ; Iličić (Panić), Mirela ; Vukić, Vladimir ; Kanurić (Duraković), Katarina ; Hromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Ranogajec, Marjan
1-Jan-1997Influence of packaging on the rheological characteristics of KashkavalLazić, Vera ; Curaković M.
1-Dec-2007Influence of protective characteristics of packaging material on packed dried fruitsGvozdenović J.; Aljilji A.; Lazić, Vera ; Tepić A.; Svrzić G.
2017Influence of storage period on properties of biopolymer packaging materials and pouchesBulut, Sandra ; Lazić, Vera ; Popović, Senka ; Hromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Šuput (Pejić), Danijela 
Feb-2016Investigation of a product-specific active packaging material based on chitosan biofilm with spice oleoresinsHromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Lazić, Vera ; Popović, Senka ; Markov, Siniša ; Vaštag, Žužana; Šuput (Pejić), Danijela ; Bulut, Sandra ; Tomović, Vladimir 
1986Iz života Staparskih salašaLazić Vera ; Lazić Lazar 
Mar-2013Lipid oxidative changes in chitosan-oregano coated traditional dry fermented sausage Petrovská klobásaHromiš (Krkić), Nevena ; Šojić, Branislav ; Lazić, Vera ; Petrović, Ljiljana; Mandić, Anamarija ; Sedej, Ivana; Tomović, Vladimir