Browsing by Author Malbaša, Radomir

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Showing results 33 to 34 of 34 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2006Scale-up of black tea batch fermentation by KombuchaMalbaša, Radomir ; Lončar, Eva; Đurić, Mirjana; Klašnja, Mile; Kolarov, Ljiljana; Markov, Siniša 
1-Oct-2013Screening of changes in content of health benefit compounds, antioxidant activity and microbiological status of medicinal plants during the production of herbal filter teaVidović, Senka ; Cvetković, Dragoljub ; Ramić, Milica; Dunjić, Mirjana; Malbaša, Radomir ; Tepić Horecki, Aleksandra ; Šumić, Zdravko ; Ranitović (Velićanski), Aleksandra ; Jokić, Stela