Showing results 386 to 405 of 603
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Neural Cognition and Affective Computing on Cyber Language | Huang Shuang; Zhou Xuan; Xue Ke; Wan Xiqiong; Yang Zhenyi; Xu Duo; Ivanovic Mirjana ; Yu Xueer |
2015 | Neural Cognition and Intelligent Computing on the Emotional Symbols of Cyber Language | Huang Shuang; Zhou Xuan; Weihui Dai; Ivanovic Mirjana |
1989 | New Data Type in Pascal | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana |
1-Jan-2015 | New Trends in Database and Information Systems II: Selected papers of the 18th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems and Associated Satellite Events, ADBIS 2014 Ohrid, Macedonia, September 7-10, 2014 Proceedings II | Bassiliades N.; Ivanović, Mirjana ; Kon-Popovska M.; Manolopoulos Y.; Palpanas T.; Trajcevski G.; Vakali A. |
2010 | New trends in education - influence of emergent technologies | Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |
2010 | A Note on Performance and Satisfaction of Female Students Studying Computer Science | Ivanović Mirjana ; Putnik Zoran; Šišarica Anja; Budimac Zoran |
1-Apr-2011 | A note on performance and satisfaction of female students studying computer science: Note on performance and satisfaction of female students studying computer science | Ivanović, Mirjana ; Putnik, Zoran; Šišarica, Anja; Budimac, Zoran |
2001 | Numerical Representations as Purely Functional Data Structures | Ivanović Mirjana ; Kunčak Viktor |
2002 | Numerical Representations as Purely Functional Data Structures: A New Approach | Ivanović Mirjana ; Kunčak Viktor |
2013 | Object Recognition in WIKImage Data Based on Local Invariant Image Features | Tomašev Nenad; Pracner Doni ; Brehar Raluca; Radovanović Miloš ; Mladenić Dunja; Ivanović Mirjana ; Nedevschi Sergiu |
2008 | Odabrana poglavlja iz softverskog inženjerstva i savremenih računarskih tehnologija | Ivanović, Mirjana ; Budimac, Zoran |
1992 | On a Specialized Language for Information (Re)presentation | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana |
1992 | On a Specialized Language for Information (Re)presentation | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana |
1992 | On Class Hierarchy for Domain Representation | Ivanović Mirjana ; Paunić Đ. |
1987 | On Execution of Recursive Procedures in FORTRAN | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Stojmenović Ivan |
2019 | On Measuring Learning Success of Students with Disabilities in Virtual Environments | Mirjana Ivanovic ; Amelia Badica; Maria Ganzha; Marcin Paprzycki; Costin Badica; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra |
1991 | On Multi-Paradigm Environment based on Modula-2 | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana |
1-Jan-2018 | On software complexity of agent-oriented logic programs: An empirical analysis | Bǎdica A.; Bǎdica C.; Buligiu I.; Ivanović, Mirjana ; Ganzha M.; Paprzycki M. |
1991 | On some Modula-2 Influences to an Implementation of Functional Language | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana |
1997 | On Specialized Language for Flexible Information Systems | Bađonski M.; Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Paunić Đ. |